Problems with changing player colors in SCM - Forums
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Jango Fett
"Problems with changing player colors in SCM"
, Tue 13 Mar 19:07
Is there any way for me to set it so that each player in StarCraft will have a permanent color? Like for example everytime I make a game, Player 1 will always be red or Player 2 will always be blue. Because I downloaded the SCM toolkit and all the required programs. I tried to set Player 1's color to black so that I'll be that color everytime I played that map. But some other guy always gets the color.
Am I doing anything wrong with the SCM toolkit? Or can this be fixed in StarEdit?
, Fri 27 Apr 18:17
Try downloading a map called "big green hunters" at this website:
Mini Moose What ICQ?
"Re(1):Problems with changing player colors in"
, Tue 13 Mar 19:49
Go to the Forces thingy in StarEdit. (Or press Ctrl-Shift-F) Then see if "Random Start Location" is checked. If it is, on meelee, the player will start at one of the laid Start Locations at random. On UMS, the players will get a random color. I think if you use a tool to change colors and open the map in Staredit, I think the colors might reset.
What a long reply....
§~~ Know your role and shut yer hole ~~§
Mini Moose What ICQ?
"Re(2):Problems with changing player colors in"
, Thu 15 Mar 13:17
I think colors are randomized in meelee automactially by StarCraft. Well, I think. Maybe somebody else knows. For one thing, I don't....
§~~ Know your role and shut yer hole ~~§
Jango Fett
"Re(2):Problems with changing player colors in"
, Wed 14 Mar 16:53
So in short, how would I set it so that I can be the same color everytime I play melee?
Thanks for your help
Posts: 10
Registered: Sun 15 Apr 2001 8:51
"Re(3):Problems with changing player colors in"
, Mon 16 Apr 18:18
it isn't possable, SC makes the colours random in melee, and FFA
Viper Rex Lord & Master of Hell
Mini Moose What ICQ?
"Re(3):Problems with changing player colors in"
, Fri 16 Mar 17:22
Basically I dont think you can...