*.lo* data formats - https://sfsrealm.hopto.org/ Forums
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"*.lo* data formats"
, Sun 25 Mar 09:12
ShadowFlare or anyone, can you help me out with decoding the *.lof data format? I can't seem to find any specs anywhere on the net. Any help with these formats would be great, thanks. ~Odie.
ShadowFlare Webmaster
BlakFlare@hotmail.com 46431561
"Re(1):*.lo* data formats"
, Mon 26 Mar 09:53
I don't really remember the file format for lo* files, but you could probably figure it out by using Lo?Edit and using a hex editor to see what it changes. Lo?Edit can be downloaded from this site.
"Re(2):*.lo* data formats"
, Mon 26 Mar 10:09
do you give out source code to your programs? the *.lo? editing functions atleast? those would be very helpful. =] thanks.