I just wanted to mention.... - https://sfsrealm.hopto.org/ Forums
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Posts: 44
Registered: Wed 10 Jan 2001 14:33
Mini Moose 2707@aol.com What ICQ?
"I just wanted to mention...."
, Mon 23 Apr 13:00
Well, it's really to late to do anything about it unless you redo this whole site, but ShadowFlare's PAGE, its a whole site, not just one page.
§~~ Know your role and shut yer hole ~~§
Posts: 45
Registered: Wed 10 Jan 2001 14:33
Mini Moose 2707@aol.com What ICQ?
"Re(1):I just wanted to mention...."
, Tue 24 Apr 13:14
ShadowFlare's Site, but wouldn't you have to change the titles of all the pages and reupload them?
, Tue 24 Apr 14:06:
I could just rename my cgi folder, download all my files, change the titles, upload the files, and change the name of my cgi folder back. It probably wouldn't be too hard to do; especially if I made a program to look for the title in all the files and change them. This would make all cgi scripts not work for a short time, but probably no more than a day.
[this message was edited by ShadowFlare on Tue 24 Apr 14:06]
Posts: 20
Registered: Sun 7 Jan 2001 13:24
aurrasing@jedienemy1.com 96892593
"Re(3):I just wanted to mention...."
, Sat 28 Apr 17:39
Well upon me showing this to you ShadowFlare, you never said that you liked it. So do you?