FastJack77 Peasant
Posts: 3
Registered: Fri 4 May 2001 13:37 | "Changing Colors help here!!!" , Fri 4 May 14:50
I've noticed a good number of posts about problems with changing player colors. Here I will do my best to explain what's going on...
#1, you have to make sure you're editing a broodwar map, otherwise it won't work. Period. #2, after you change colors, don't open that map with staredit (whether it's a hacked one or not) #3, do NOT look back to see if the colors changed, this will revert the colors back to normal, as will opening the map with staredit.
I'm not entirely sure why it does these things, but it does. I suggest to you, ShadowFlare, that you either beef up the help section or get to the bottom of this problem.
Sincerely, FastJack77