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shidakusen Peasant
Posts: 1
Registered: Sat 8 Sep 2001 12:8
wpse@yahoo.com | "This is silly." , Sat 8 Sep 13:18
Don't waste your time trying to make maps larger than 256x256, it's useless. Starcraft cannot read, use, or otherwise manipulate maps of sizes larger than 256x256 because it is not programmed to do so. Staredit may be able to read more than 65,536 tiles, but it doesn't matter if you can't use them.
"Hacking the exe" to allow Starcraft to use greater map data would be a monumental task. Not only do you need it to be able to read the extra tiles, display them properly, and ensure the new boundries work, but you would also probably need to rewrite the memory management Starcraft uses. Think about it: A 512x512 map would be 196,608 tiles larger than a 256x256. This means that a computer would need much greater memory and processing capabilities than the P90 required by SC now. Chances are you'd only end up making SC incompatible with most of the lower-end users. Not to mention that the actual hacking of the exe could take months, even years. It would probably be faster to write your own game.
Stick to normal editing. Expansion of games should be left to the programmer(s) who made it.