zobrak19444 Grunt
Posts: 29
Registered: Thu 12 Apr 2001 16:48
zobrak19444@yahoo.com | "SCM Toolkit Idea" , Mon 4 Jun 17:34
Unit and Hero Settings:
Anyone of you here know how to make any unit or building (H)it (P)oints above 9999? You can do it but I'm sure it is very troublesome. So my idea is scm toolkit can edit "unit and hero setting" which can be found in Staredit or campaign editor.
Upgrade Setting:
One important feature in this part is that it can change the time taken for upgrade to 0 second. e.g. is Matrix, you need more units and upgrades too, the time taken is 1 second and it increase every level. This can also be applied to units and spells etc.
Just for your information: SCM Toolkit is still working fine with ALL the features.
????????????????: ShadowFlare are you there?