MadCow Peasant
Posts: 1
Registered: Mon 25 Jun 2001 10:33 69999213 | "A Problem..." , Mon 25 Jun 11:39
I have read all your concerns and problems...
Ok, this is my problem... I installed all the recommended components into the same directory.
First of all, Blizzard came out with a newer version of storm.dll... But I still downloaded the one recommended.
I used to have the scenario.chk error, but I found the file from Guedit, but every file I try to open, it says, sorry, this file was protected with another program, scenarion.chk get deleted and now when I try to load a map, it gives me the scenario.chk error.
So I get scenario.chk from Gudedit again and the same error occurs and it scenario.chk gets deleted...