starcraftmania Peasant
Posts: 1
Registered: Mon 9 Jul 2001 23:10 | "Help about scm toolkit installation please?" , Tue 10 Jul 00:21
HI all
I am totally fade up with this scm thing I downloaded and installed all the required files including run time files but I get this error when I run scm toolkit and goto option run time error 76 'path not found' and when I try to open a map I get couldnt find mpq archiver and followed by runtime error 76...
I downloaded following files AND extracted in same dir, 1) (48.2 KB) 2) Mo'PaQ 2000 v2.0 (166 KB) 3) (18.1 KB) 4) StarEdit.exe for mpq editors (557 KB) 5) Storm.dll (124 KB)
but still same error I am using 1.08 patch so Please help anyone I also unistall runtime files and reinstall one be one but no help
Blah Blah Blah