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| wengfung Peasant
Posts: 8
Registered: Mon 20 Aug 2001 15:4
fungweng@hotmail.com | "Re(6):STILL don't understand..." , Thu 27 Sep 12:27:
Thanks, it works. Wonder how I edit it without the directory thing? Easy--I had the map in the directory of the MPQ2K, I also went to http://www.campaigncreations.com/starcraft/mpq2k / , and downloaded their "Command Prompt Here" program. After that is done, I installed it, right click the folder where the MPQ2K is in, and click "Command Prompt Here".
This is what I inputted for this whole thing to work: MPQ2K e INFEST~1.SCX STAREDIT\SCENARIO.CHK MPQ2K a INFEST~2.SCX SCENARIO.CHK EXIT
I then rename and convert Scenario.CHK to Infestation of Leprechauns.SCX, and open it with Staredit. Finally, I made at least 1 change(and deleted it) and then saved the map. It works perfectly, even though it changes the player colors back and stuff.
[this message was edited by wengfung on Thu 27 Sep 12:32] |