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| Sir Galahad Grunt
Posts: 41
Registered: Tue 18 Sep 2001 4:13
thels@wanadoo.nl 20800959 | "Re(3):Help on Lmpq dll!" , Thu 22 Nov 04:37
No, it works for all chk files, including the one you make yourself.
And uhh, yourpost hardly makes any sence at all, unless I would assume that you thought I said that it was NOT possible to open them in StarEdit, which I didn't.
Also, you could also just leave them as .chk, and then in StarEdit, set the filename to *.*, press enter, and then select your .chk file (it should show up now).
Sir Galahad Email: thels@wanadoo.nl URL: http://www.camsys.org/ MSN: sirgalahad@camsys.org ICQ: 20800959 AIM: SirGalahadCamsys mIRC: #CamSys on Dal.net