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dope15gd Peasant
Posts: 2
Registered: Tue 1 Jan 2002 18:17
dope15gd@aol.com  | "adding units for 12th player deal" , Tue 1 Jan 19:25: 
I understand how to make the command center and change it to start location... can I make beacons and units for player 12 so i dont need to make player 1 neutral. I am trying to make it so u can use credits to buy heros
[this message was edited by dope15gd on Tue 1 Jan 20:02] | | Replies:
| TheNeededOne Grunt
Posts: 26
Registered: Sun 18 Nov 2001 2:51
 lilaznvboy@hotmail.com  | "Re(3):adding units for 12th player deal" , Wed 2 Jan 23:45: 
Cool didnt know that. What was the color of the nuetral units? Im not sure about that but ill check on it. That would be good if its possible.
WȣM 2 M RM W Ї MP VV R Н M |{Rz _| !!
[this message was edited by TheNeededOne on Wed 2 Jan 23:45] |