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TheNeededOne Grunt
Posts: 22
Registered: Sun 18 Nov 2001 2:51
lilaznvboy@hotmail.com | "Re(1):using square terrain" , Wed 2 Jan 04:20:
quote: In the program ISOM u are supposed to set the value to 0 and save it to get square terrain option. i do that and i dont know wut to save it as. it is supposed to be a chk file. but i dont know wut
[Well first open a map scx/scm. Then set the byte/integer/long to 0. Then Click on Write. Save the map (best to save in a copied file of your map). Open it up in StarEdit then there should be square terrains.]
Oh and save your map as a regualr scx/scm file.
WȣM 2 M RM W Ї MP VV R Н M |{Rz _| !!
[this message was edited by TheNeededOne on Wed 2 Jan 04:21] |