, Thu 3 Jan 00:36
Here's the deal, I have everythign installed, it runs fine, but when I open an old archive or make a new one, and select "add", the program does nothing. It just sits there. I downlaoded the latest one from your site. Know anything about this?
The captain President of Privateer Studios
Posts: 16
Registered: Mon 8 Oct 2001 7:54
bloodscent@hotmail.com 91377645
"Re(1):WinMPQ problems"
, Tue 29 Jan 13:51
I dunno if it's the same problem... but when I try to add a folder- it says: Runtime error '76', and the program closes Filepath unknown or something like that.. strange. I just replaced the old winMPQ with the new one...
, Thu 3 Jan 02:04
What are you trying to add? a file into your map with WinMPQ? Make sure that it is valid to add it to the file because removing it wont ully remove it. Some size of the map will be increased.