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| CBWhiz Peasant
Posts: 1
Registered: Thu 4 Apr 2002 19:55
CBWhiz@hotmail.com  | "Re(3):How do i UNprotect Maps?" , Thu 4 Apr 21:03 
Well I've done it to a few maps, though GUEdit makes unprotecting a nuisance...
Even though I can unprotect maps, I NEVER unprotect, modify, and call it mine. On maps I really like, I might unprotect, edit a bit, and save it giving myself MODIFIED credit, but leaving the origonal author credit. I only did that on Icebound, which is fun but annoying if you all die. I added a reset feature so when u all die, you restart at the beginning instead of having to remake.
Also, I will not unprotect maps for anyone, so dont bother asking.
If you really wanna unprotect, do what I did - figure it out ur damn self :D
On another note, the only reason I know how is cause i lost the source to my own map - accedently saved protected over origanal - and it was a GREAT map that i wanted to fix a few errors on :D