YeCKeL Peasant
Posts: 2
Registered: Thu 15 Nov 2001 21:29 18977079  | "Hey Shadow now that you are back" , Mon 28 Jan 22:04 
I do have a uncompressed map chk or some thing along thoes lines that was "pernamently protected" can that be reversed it is my map i am not taking credit for any thing or stealing it it was a map built from Ground up and i saved over it dont ask personly i feel u should not be able to do that like editgui but hey i will live with it i have updated a old beta of my map and brought most of it up to speed with the current protected vresion if it is possable to unprotect it i would love it if you could look in to it :)
-YeCKeL- MSN: ICQ: 18977079 AIM: Yeckel42o Yahoo: Yeckel42o