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| TheNeEdEdOnE Grunt
Posts: 39
Registered: Sun 18 Nov 2001 2:51
 lilaznvboy@hotmail.com I3Q  | "Re(3):color help" , Fri 1 Feb 19:30: 
In your Hex Editor, search for COLR then it should show up. I forgot how to use the hex editors since i deleted it after i got SCM toolkit to help me. Oh and yes, you can use SCM toolkit located on downloads in this webpage. SCm toolkit can edit colors, much easier than Mpq Viewer and all. If your a manual-do-on-yourslef guy, then make sure you search for COLR. Thre should be a search program in the editor
WȣM 2 M RM W Ї MP VV R Н M |{Rz _| !!
[this message was edited by TheNeEdEdOnE on Fri 1 Feb 19:31] |