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| Plasmarider Peasant
Posts: 1
Registered: Fri 5 Apr 2002 14:36
 lemoneasy@hotmail.com I C U !  | "Re(2):WINDOWS XP HELP" , Fri 5 Apr 15:48 
Sorry, forgot my passsword for Plasmarida, homework takes cranium space but anyways. Your ones work fine, The cms ones don't, I have the tool kit, just its not visual enough, I like having a staredit looking one with all the options of scm tool kit. Are u working on one, and if so when will u finish, cause I'll dl it in a sec. The toolkit also lacks one thing, I can't check triggers on SC edit or else it deletes guys, I like the SCM toolkit alot but I want to use locations and triggers on it, which I can't seem to see on it.
Um plasmarida is my file but I made a new one.