X-Git-Url: https://sfsrealm.hopto.org/projects/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=frmMpq.frm;h=e5ad8cc696b9a4952486b43624eff90a53c324ba;hb=7080cab8ef2172c14f05504154a2d292ded378d9;hp=95384d56621d25d94b7c2abea60f807721888946;hpb=62046253535cb1df0280f7e331d2f76b0fbf2d17;p=WinMPQ.git diff --git a/frmMpq.frm b/frmMpq.frm index 95384d5..e5ad8cc 100644 --- a/frmMpq.frm +++ b/frmMpq.frm @@ -1,308 +1,308 @@ -VERSION 4.00 -Begin VB.Form frmMpq - BorderStyle = 1 'Fixed Single - Caption = "MPQ Embedder" - ClientHeight = 1695 - ClientLeft = 3045 - ClientTop = 2730 - ClientWidth = 2775 - Height = 2385 - Icon = "frmMpq.frx":0000 - Left = 2985 - LinkTopic = "Form1" - MaxButton = 0 'False - ScaleHeight = 1695 - ScaleWidth = 2775 - Top = 2100 - Width = 2895 - Begin VB.CommandButton cmdSaveEXE - Caption = "Save &EXE" - Enabled = 0 'False - Height = 375 - Left = 1440 - TabIndex = 3 - Top = 1200 - Width = 1215 - End - Begin VB.CommandButton cmdRemove - Caption = "&Remove" - Enabled = 0 'False - Height = 375 - Left = 120 - TabIndex = 2 - Top = 1200 - Width = 1215 - End - Begin VB.CommandButton cmdSaveMPQ - Caption = "Save &MPQ" - Enabled = 0 'False - Height = 375 - Left = 1440 - TabIndex = 1 - Top = 720 - Width = 1215 - End - Begin VB.CommandButton cmdAdd - Caption = "&Add" - Enabled = 0 'False - Height = 375 - Left = 120 - TabIndex = 0 - Top = 720 - Width = 1215 - End - Begin VB.Label Label1 - Height = 615 - Left = 120 - TabIndex = 4 - Top = 120 - Width = 2565 - WordWrap = -1 'True - End - Begin VB.Menu mnuFile - Caption = "&File" - Begin VB.Menu mnuFOpen - Caption = "&Open..." - End - Begin VB.Menu mnuFSep - Caption = "-" - End - Begin VB.Menu mnuFExit - Caption = "E&xit" - End - End - Begin VB.Menu mnuRun - Caption = "&Run EXE" - Enabled = 0 'False - End - Begin VB.Menu mnuHelp - Caption = "&Help" - Begin VB.Menu mnuHReadme - Caption = "View &Readme..." - End - Begin VB.Menu mnuHSep - Caption = "-" - End - Begin VB.Menu mnuHAbout - Caption = "&About..." - End - End -End -Attribute VB_Name = "frmMpq" -Attribute VB_Creatable = False -Attribute VB_Exposed = False -Option Explicit - -Dim MpqHeader As Long, IsEXE As Boolean, FileDialog As OPENFILENAME -Private Sub cmdAdd_Click() -Dim OldFileName As String, NewMpqHeader As Long, fNum As Long, Text As String, fNum2 As Long, Text2 As String, bNum As Long -FileDialog.Flags = &H1000 Or &H4 Or &H2 -FileDialog.Filter = "Mpq Archives (*.mpq;*.exe;*.snp;*.scm;*.scx)|*.mpq;*.exe;*.snp;*.scm;*.scx|All Files (*.*)|*.*" -OldFileName = FileDialog.FileName -FileDialog.hwndOwner = hWnd -If ShowOpen(FileDialog) = False Then GoTo Cancel -NewMpqHeader = FindMpqHeader(FileDialog.FileName) -If NewMpqHeader = -1 Then - MsgBox "This file does not contain an MPQ archive.", , "MPQ Embedder" - GoTo Cancel -End If -fNum = FreeFile -Open FileDialog.FileName For Binary As #fNum -fNum2 = FreeFile -Open OldFileName For Binary As #fNum2 -If MpqHeader / 512 <> Int(MpqHeader / 512) Then - bNum = MsgBox("The file you are adding the MPQ archive to" + vbCrLf + "is not the proper size; therefore, most MPQ" + vbCrLf + "archive readers will not be able to read it." + vbCrLf + "Do you want to increase the size of the file," + vbCrLf + "so other programs can read it?", vbQuestion Or vbYesNo Or vbDefaultButton1, "MPQ Embedder") - If bNum = vbYes Then - Text = String(512 - (MpqHeader - Int(MpqHeader / 512) * 512), Chr(0)) - Put #fNum2, MpqHeader + 1, Text - MpqHeader = MpqHeader + Len(Text) - End If -End If -For bNum = NewMpqHeader + 1 To LOF(fNum) Step 2 ^ 20 - Text = String(2 ^ 20, Chr(0)) - If LOF(fNum) - bNum + 1 >= 2 ^ 20 Then - Get #fNum, bNum, Text - Put #fNum2, MpqHeader + bNum - NewMpqHeader, Text - Else - Text = String(LOF(fNum) - bNum + 1, Chr(0)) - Get #fNum, bNum, Text - Put #fNum2, MpqHeader + bNum - NewMpqHeader, Text - End If -Next bNum -Close #fNum2 -Close #fNum -cmdAdd.Enabled = False -cmdRemove.Enabled = True -cmdSaveMPQ.Enabled = True -cmdSaveEXE.Enabled = True -If MpqHeader / 512 = Int(MpqHeader / 512) Then - Label1.Caption = "This file contains an MPQ archive." -Else - Label1.Caption = "This file contains an MPQ archive, but other programs may not be able to read it." -End If -Cancel: -FileDialog.FileName = OldFileName -End Sub -Private Sub cmdRemove_Click() -Dim fNum As Long, Text As String, fNum2 As Long, Text2 As String, bNum As Long -bNum = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to permanently" + vbCrLf + "remove the MPQ archive from this file?", vbQuestion Or vbYesNo Or vbDefaultButton2, "MPQ Embedder") -If bNum = vbNo Then Exit Sub -fNum = FreeFile -Open FileDialog.FileName For Binary As #fNum -fNum2 = FreeFile -If Dir(FileDialog.FileName + ".remove") <> "" Then Kill FileDialog.FileName + ".remove" -Open FileDialog.FileName + ".remove" For Binary As #fNum2 -For bNum = 1 To MpqHeader Step 2 ^ 20 - Text = String(2 ^ 20, Chr(0)) - If MpqHeader - bNum + 1 >= 2 ^ 20 Then - Get #fNum, bNum, Text - Put #fNum2, bNum, Text - Else - Text = String(MpqHeader - bNum + 1, Chr(0)) - Get #fNum, bNum, Text - Put #fNum2, bNum, Text - End If -Next bNum -Close #fNum2 -Close #fNum -Kill FileDialog.FileName -Name FileDialog.FileName + ".remove" As FileDialog.FileName -cmdAdd.Enabled = True -cmdRemove.Enabled = False -cmdSaveMPQ.Enabled = False -cmdSaveEXE.Enabled = True -Label1.Caption = "This file does not contain an MPQ archive." -End Sub -Private Sub cmdSaveEXE_Click() -Dim OldFileName As String, fNum As Long, Text As String, fNum2 As Long, Text2 As String, bNum As Long -FileDialog.Flags = &H1000 Or &H4 Or &H2 -FileDialog.Filter = "File (*.*)|*.*" -FileDialog.DefaultExt = "" -OldFileName = FileDialog.FileName -FileDialog.FileName = FileDialog.FileName -FileDialog.hwndOwner = hWnd -If ShowSave(FileDialog) = False Then GoTo Cancel -fNum = FreeFile -Open OldFileName For Binary As #fNum -fNum2 = FreeFile -If Dir(FileDialog.FileName) <> "" Then Kill FileDialog.FileName -Open FileDialog.FileName For Binary As #fNum2 -For bNum = 1 To MpqHeader Step 2 ^ 20 - Text = String(2 ^ 20, Chr(0)) - If MpqHeader - bNum + 1 >= 2 ^ 20 Then - Get #fNum, bNum, Text - Put #fNum2, bNum, Text - Else - Text = String(MpqHeader - bNum + 1, Chr(0)) - Get #fNum, bNum, Text - Put #fNum2, bNum, Text - End If -Next bNum -Close #fNum2 -Close #fNum -Cancel: -FileDialog.FileName = OldFileName -End Sub -Private Sub cmdSaveMPQ_Click() -Dim OldFileName As String, fNum As Long, Text As String, fNum2 As Long, Text2 As String, bNum As Long -FileDialog.Flags = &H1000 Or &H4 Or &H2 -FileDialog.Filter = "MPQ Archive (*.mpq)|*.mpq" -FileDialog.DefaultExt = "mpq" -OldFileName = FileDialog.FileName -FileDialog.FileName = FileDialog.FileName + ".mpq" -FileDialog.hwndOwner = hWnd -If ShowSave(FileDialog) = False Then GoTo Cancel -fNum = FreeFile -Open OldFileName For Binary As #fNum -fNum2 = FreeFile -If Dir(FileDialog.FileName) <> "" Then Kill FileDialog.FileName -Open FileDialog.FileName For Binary As #fNum2 -For bNum = MpqHeader + 1 To LOF(fNum) Step 2 ^ 20 - Text = String(2 ^ 20, Chr(0)) - If LOF(fNum) - bNum + 1 >= 2 ^ 20 Then - Get #fNum, bNum, Text - Put #fNum2, bNum - MpqHeader, Text - Else - Text = String(LOF(fNum) - bNum + 1, Chr(0)) - Get #fNum, bNum, Text - Put #fNum2, bNum - MpqHeader, Text - End If -Next bNum -Close #fNum2 -Close #fNum -Cancel: -FileDialog.FileName = OldFileName -End Sub - -Private Sub Form_Load() -FileDialog = CD -End Sub -Private Sub mnuFExit_Click() -Unload Me -End Sub -Private Sub mnuFOpen_Click() -Dim OldFileName As String, OldMpqHeader As Long, fNum As Long, Text As String -FileDialog.Flags = &H1000 Or &H4 Or &H2 -FileDialog.Filter = "All Files (*.*)|*.*" -OldFileName = FileDialog.FileName -OldMpqHeader = MpqHeader -FileDialog.hwndOwner = hWnd -If ShowOpen(FileDialog) = False Then GoTo Cancel -If FileLen(FileDialog.FileName) = 0 Then - MsgBox "This is an empty file.", vbExclamation, "MPQ Embedder" - GoTo Cancel -End If -fNum = FreeFile -Open FileDialog.FileName For Binary As #fNum -Text = String(2, Chr(0)) -If LOF(fNum) >= 2 Then Get #fNum, 1, Text -Close #fNum -If Text = "MZ" Then IsEXE = True Else IsEXE = False -If IsEXE Then mnuRun.Enabled = True Else mnuRun.Enabled = False -MpqHeader = FindMpqHeader(FileDialog.FileName) -If MpqHeader <= -1 Then - cmdAdd.Enabled = True - cmdRemove.Enabled = False - cmdSaveMPQ.Enabled = False - cmdSaveEXE.Enabled = True - MpqHeader = FileLen(FileDialog.FileName) - Label1.Caption = "This file does not contain an MPQ archive." -ElseIf MpqHeader = 0 Then - cmdAdd.Enabled = False - cmdRemove.Enabled = False - cmdSaveMPQ.Enabled = True - cmdSaveEXE.Enabled = False - Label1.Caption = "This file is an MPQ archive." -ElseIf MpqHeader > 0 Then - cmdAdd.Enabled = False - cmdRemove.Enabled = True - cmdSaveMPQ.Enabled = True - cmdSaveEXE.Enabled = True - If MpqHeader / 512 = Int(MpqHeader / 512) Then - Label1.Caption = "This file contains an MPQ archive." - Else - Label1.Caption = "This file contains an MPQ archive, but other programs may be unable to read it." - End If -End If -Exit Sub -Cancel: -FileDialog.FileName = OldFileName -MpqHeader = OldMpqHeader -End Sub -Private Sub mnuHAbout_Click() -About.Show 1 -End Sub -Private Sub mnuHReadme_Click() -Dim Path As String -Path = App.Path -If Right(Path, 1) <> "\" Then Path = Path + "\" -If Dir(Path + "WMpqEmbed.rtf") = "" Then MsgBox "Could not find WMpqEmbed.rtf!", vbCritical, "MPQ Embedder" -ShellExecute hWnd, vbNullString, Path + "WMpqEmbed.rtf", vbNullString, vbNullString, 1 -End Sub -Private Sub mnuRun_Click() -On Error GoTo NotExecutable -Shell FileDialog.FileName, 1 -Exit Sub -NotExecutable: -MsgBox "This file is not a .exe file.", vbInformation, "MPQ Embedder" -End Sub +VERSION 4.00 +Begin VB.Form frmMpq + BorderStyle = 1 'Fixed Single + Caption = "MPQ Embedder" + ClientHeight = 1695 + ClientLeft = 3045 + ClientTop = 2730 + ClientWidth = 2775 + Height = 2385 + Icon = "frmMpq.frx":0000 + Left = 2985 + LinkTopic = "Form1" + MaxButton = 0 'False + ScaleHeight = 1695 + ScaleWidth = 2775 + Top = 2100 + Width = 2895 + Begin VB.CommandButton cmdSaveEXE + Caption = "Save &EXE" + Enabled = 0 'False + Height = 375 + Left = 1440 + TabIndex = 3 + Top = 1200 + Width = 1215 + End + Begin VB.CommandButton cmdRemove + Caption = "&Remove" + Enabled = 0 'False + Height = 375 + Left = 120 + TabIndex = 2 + Top = 1200 + Width = 1215 + End + Begin VB.CommandButton cmdSaveMPQ + Caption = "Save &MPQ" + Enabled = 0 'False + Height = 375 + Left = 1440 + TabIndex = 1 + Top = 720 + Width = 1215 + End + Begin VB.CommandButton cmdAdd + Caption = "&Add" + Enabled = 0 'False + Height = 375 + Left = 120 + TabIndex = 0 + Top = 720 + Width = 1215 + End + Begin VB.Label Label1 + Height = 615 + Left = 120 + TabIndex = 4 + Top = 120 + Width = 2565 + WordWrap = -1 'True + End + Begin VB.Menu mnuFile + Caption = "&File" + Begin VB.Menu mnuFOpen + Caption = "&Open..." + End + Begin VB.Menu mnuFSep + Caption = "-" + End + Begin VB.Menu mnuFExit + Caption = "E&xit" + End + End + Begin VB.Menu mnuRun + Caption = "&Run EXE" + Enabled = 0 'False + End + Begin VB.Menu mnuHelp + Caption = "&Help" + Begin VB.Menu mnuHReadme + Caption = "View &Readme..." + End + Begin VB.Menu mnuHSep + Caption = "-" + End + Begin VB.Menu mnuHAbout + Caption = "&About..." + End + End +End +Attribute VB_Name = "frmMpq" +Attribute VB_Creatable = False +Attribute VB_Exposed = False +Option Explicit + +Dim MpqHeader As Long, IsEXE As Boolean, FileDialog As OPENFILENAME +Private Sub cmdAdd_Click() +Dim OldFileName As String, NewMpqHeader As Long, fNum As Long, Text As String, fNum2 As Long, Text2 As String, bNum As Long +FileDialog.Flags = &H1000 Or &H4 Or &H2 +FileDialog.Filter = "Mpq Archives (*.mpq;*.exe;*.snp;*.scm;*.scx;*.w3m;*.w3x)|*.mpq;*.exe;*.snp;*.scm;*.scx;*.w3m;*.w3x|All Files (*.*)|*.*" +OldFileName = FileDialog.FileName +FileDialog.hwndOwner = hWnd +If ShowOpen(FileDialog) = False Then GoTo Cancel +NewMpqHeader = FindMpqHeader(FileDialog.FileName) +If NewMpqHeader = -1 Then + MsgBox "This file does not contain an MPQ archive.", , "MPQ Embedder" + GoTo Cancel +End If +fNum = FreeFile +Open FileDialog.FileName For Binary As #fNum +fNum2 = FreeFile +Open OldFileName For Binary As #fNum2 +If MpqHeader / 512 <> Int(MpqHeader / 512) Then + bNum = MsgBox("The file you are adding the MPQ archive to" + vbCrLf + "is not the proper size; therefore, most MPQ" + vbCrLf + "archive readers will not be able to read it." + vbCrLf + "Do you want to increase the size of the file," + vbCrLf + "so other programs can read it?", vbQuestion Or vbYesNo Or vbDefaultButton1, "MPQ Embedder") + If bNum = vbYes Then + Text = String(512 - (MpqHeader - Int(MpqHeader / 512) * 512), Chr(0)) + Put #fNum2, MpqHeader + 1, Text + MpqHeader = MpqHeader + Len(Text) + End If +End If +For bNum = NewMpqHeader + 1 To LOF(fNum) Step 2 ^ 20 + Text = String(2 ^ 20, Chr(0)) + If LOF(fNum) - bNum + 1 >= 2 ^ 20 Then + Get #fNum, bNum, Text + Put #fNum2, MpqHeader + bNum - NewMpqHeader, Text + Else + Text = String(LOF(fNum) - bNum + 1, Chr(0)) + Get #fNum, bNum, Text + Put #fNum2, MpqHeader + bNum - NewMpqHeader, Text + End If +Next bNum +Close #fNum2 +Close #fNum +cmdAdd.Enabled = False +cmdRemove.Enabled = True +cmdSaveMPQ.Enabled = True +cmdSaveEXE.Enabled = True +If MpqHeader / 512 = Int(MpqHeader / 512) Then + Label1.Caption = "This file contains an MPQ archive." +Else + Label1.Caption = "This file contains an MPQ archive, but other programs may not be able to read it." +End If +Cancel: +FileDialog.FileName = OldFileName +End Sub +Private Sub cmdRemove_Click() +Dim fNum As Long, Text As String, fNum2 As Long, Text2 As String, bNum As Long +bNum = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to permanently" + vbCrLf + "remove the MPQ archive from this file?", vbQuestion Or vbYesNo Or vbDefaultButton2, "MPQ Embedder") +If bNum = vbNo Then Exit Sub +fNum = FreeFile +Open FileDialog.FileName For Binary As #fNum +fNum2 = FreeFile +If Dir(FileDialog.FileName + ".remove") <> "" Then Kill FileDialog.FileName + ".remove" +Open FileDialog.FileName + ".remove" For Binary As #fNum2 +For bNum = 1 To MpqHeader Step 2 ^ 20 + Text = String(2 ^ 20, Chr(0)) + If MpqHeader - bNum + 1 >= 2 ^ 20 Then + Get #fNum, bNum, Text + Put #fNum2, bNum, Text + Else + Text = String(MpqHeader - bNum + 1, Chr(0)) + Get #fNum, bNum, Text + Put #fNum2, bNum, Text + End If +Next bNum +Close #fNum2 +Close #fNum +Kill FileDialog.FileName +Name FileDialog.FileName + ".remove" As FileDialog.FileName +cmdAdd.Enabled = True +cmdRemove.Enabled = False +cmdSaveMPQ.Enabled = False +cmdSaveEXE.Enabled = True +Label1.Caption = "This file does not contain an MPQ archive." +End Sub +Private Sub cmdSaveEXE_Click() +Dim OldFileName As String, fNum As Long, Text As String, fNum2 As Long, Text2 As String, bNum As Long +FileDialog.Flags = &H1000 Or &H4 Or &H2 +FileDialog.Filter = "File (*.*)|*.*" +FileDialog.DefaultExt = "" +OldFileName = FileDialog.FileName +FileDialog.FileName = FileDialog.FileName +FileDialog.hwndOwner = hWnd +If ShowSave(FileDialog) = False Then GoTo Cancel +fNum = FreeFile +Open OldFileName For Binary As #fNum +fNum2 = FreeFile +If Dir(FileDialog.FileName) <> "" Then Kill FileDialog.FileName +Open FileDialog.FileName For Binary As #fNum2 +For bNum = 1 To MpqHeader Step 2 ^ 20 + Text = String(2 ^ 20, Chr(0)) + If MpqHeader - bNum + 1 >= 2 ^ 20 Then + Get #fNum, bNum, Text + Put #fNum2, bNum, Text + Else + Text = String(MpqHeader - bNum + 1, Chr(0)) + Get #fNum, bNum, Text + Put #fNum2, bNum, Text + End If +Next bNum +Close #fNum2 +Close #fNum +Cancel: +FileDialog.FileName = OldFileName +End Sub +Private Sub cmdSaveMPQ_Click() +Dim OldFileName As String, fNum As Long, Text As String, fNum2 As Long, Text2 As String, bNum As Long +FileDialog.Flags = &H1000 Or &H4 Or &H2 +FileDialog.Filter = "MPQ Archive (*.mpq)|*.mpq" +FileDialog.DefaultExt = "mpq" +OldFileName = FileDialog.FileName +FileDialog.FileName = FileDialog.FileName + ".mpq" +FileDialog.hwndOwner = hWnd +If ShowSave(FileDialog) = False Then GoTo Cancel +fNum = FreeFile +Open OldFileName For Binary As #fNum +fNum2 = FreeFile +If Dir(FileDialog.FileName) <> "" Then Kill FileDialog.FileName +Open FileDialog.FileName For Binary As #fNum2 +For bNum = MpqHeader + 1 To LOF(fNum) Step 2 ^ 20 + Text = String(2 ^ 20, Chr(0)) + If LOF(fNum) - bNum + 1 >= 2 ^ 20 Then + Get #fNum, bNum, Text + Put #fNum2, bNum - MpqHeader, Text + Else + Text = String(LOF(fNum) - bNum + 1, Chr(0)) + Get #fNum, bNum, Text + Put #fNum2, bNum - MpqHeader, Text + End If +Next bNum +Close #fNum2 +Close #fNum +Cancel: +FileDialog.FileName = OldFileName +End Sub + +Private Sub Form_Load() +FileDialog = CD +End Sub +Private Sub mnuFExit_Click() +Unload Me +End Sub +Private Sub mnuFOpen_Click() +Dim OldFileName As String, OldMpqHeader As Long, fNum As Long, Text As String +FileDialog.Flags = &H1000 Or &H4 Or &H2 +FileDialog.Filter = "All Files (*.*)|*.*" +OldFileName = FileDialog.FileName +OldMpqHeader = MpqHeader +FileDialog.hwndOwner = hWnd +If ShowOpen(FileDialog) = False Then GoTo Cancel +If FileLen(FileDialog.FileName) = 0 Then + MsgBox "This is an empty file.", vbExclamation, "MPQ Embedder" + GoTo Cancel +End If +fNum = FreeFile +Open FileDialog.FileName For Binary As #fNum +Text = String(2, Chr(0)) +If LOF(fNum) >= 2 Then Get #fNum, 1, Text +Close #fNum +If Text = "MZ" Then IsEXE = True Else IsEXE = False +If IsEXE Then mnuRun.Enabled = True Else mnuRun.Enabled = False +MpqHeader = FindMpqHeader(FileDialog.FileName) +If MpqHeader <= -1 Then + cmdAdd.Enabled = True + cmdRemove.Enabled = False + cmdSaveMPQ.Enabled = False + cmdSaveEXE.Enabled = True + MpqHeader = FileLen(FileDialog.FileName) + Label1.Caption = "This file does not contain an MPQ archive." +ElseIf MpqHeader = 0 Then + cmdAdd.Enabled = False + cmdRemove.Enabled = False + cmdSaveMPQ.Enabled = True + cmdSaveEXE.Enabled = False + Label1.Caption = "This file is an MPQ archive." +ElseIf MpqHeader > 0 Then + cmdAdd.Enabled = False + cmdRemove.Enabled = True + cmdSaveMPQ.Enabled = True + cmdSaveEXE.Enabled = True + If MpqHeader / 512 = Int(MpqHeader / 512) Then + Label1.Caption = "This file contains an MPQ archive." + Else + Label1.Caption = "This file contains an MPQ archive, but other programs may be unable to read it." + End If +End If +Exit Sub +Cancel: +FileDialog.FileName = OldFileName +MpqHeader = OldMpqHeader +End Sub +Private Sub mnuHAbout_Click() +About.Show 1 +End Sub +Private Sub mnuHReadme_Click() +Dim Path As String +Path = App.Path +If Right(Path, 1) <> "\" Then Path = Path + "\" +If Dir(Path + "WMpqEmbed.rtf") = "" Then MsgBox "Could not find WMpqEmbed.rtf!", vbCritical, "MPQ Embedder" +ShellExecute hWnd, vbNullString, Path + "WMpqEmbed.rtf", vbNullString, vbNullString, 1 +End Sub +Private Sub mnuRun_Click() +On Error GoTo NotExecutable +Shell FileDialog.FileName, 1 +Exit Sub +NotExecutable: +MsgBox "This file is not a .exe file.", vbInformation, "MPQ Embedder" +End Sub