Attribute VB_Name = "MpqStuff" Option Explicit Public Declare Function ShellExecute Lib _ "Shell32.dll" Alias "ShellExecuteA" _ (ByVal hWnd As Long, _ ByVal lpOperation As String, _ ByVal lpFile As String, _ ByVal lpParameters As String, _ ByVal lpDirectory As String, _ ByVal nShowCmd As Long) As Long Public Declare Sub SHChangeNotify Lib _ "Shell32.dll" (ByVal wEventId As Long, _ ByVal uFlags As Integer, _ ByVal dwItem1 As Any, _ ByVal dwItem2 As Any) Public Declare Function SendMessageA Lib _ "user32.dll" _ (ByVal hWnd As Long, _ ByVal Msg As Long, _ ByVal Wp As Long, _ Lp As Any) As Long Declare Function GetLongPathName Lib "Kernel32" Alias "GetLongPathNameA" (ByVal lpszShortPath As String, ByVal lpszLongPath As String, ByVal cchBuffer As Long) As Long Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "Kernel32.dll" _ Alias "RtlMoveMemory" ( _ ByRef Destination As Any, _ ByRef Source As Any, _ ByVal Length As Long) Public CD As OPENFILENAME, PathInput As BROWSEINFO Public GlobalFileList() As String, FileList() As String, CX As Single, CY As Single, NewFile As Boolean, LocaleID As Long, ListFile As String, AddFolderName As String, ExtractPathNum As Long, CopyPathNum As Long Public Const AppKey As String = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ShadowFlare\WinMPQ\", SharedAppKey As String = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\ShadowFlare\WinMPQ\" Public Const MPQ_ERROR_INIT_FAILED As Long = &H85000001 'Unspecified error Public Const MPQ_ERROR_NO_STAREDIT As Long = &H85000002 'Can't find StarEdit.exe Public Const MPQ_ERROR_BAD_STAREDIT As Long = &H85000003 'Bad version of StarEdit.exe. Need SC/BW 1.07 Public Const MPQ_ERROR_STAREDIT_RUNNING As Long = &H85000004 'StarEdit.exe is running. Must be closed Public Const SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED As Long = &H8000000 Public Const SHCNF_IDLIST As Long = &H0 Public Const WM_SETREDRAW As Long = &HB Public Const WM_PAINT As Long = &HF Const gintMAX_SIZE% = 255 Function PathInputBox(lpFolderDialog As BROWSEINFO, pCaption As String, StartFolder As String) As String lpFolderDialog.Title = pCaption Dim Result As Long Result = ShowFolder(lpFolderDialog) If Result = 0 Then Exit Function PathInputBox = GetPathFromID(Result) End Function Function GetLongPath(Path As String) As String Dim strBuf As String, StrLength As Long strBuf = Space$(gintMAX_SIZE) StrLength = GetLongPathName(Path, strBuf, gintMAX_SIZE) strBuf = Left(strBuf, StrLength) If strBuf <> "" Then GetLongPath = strBuf Else GetLongPath = Path End If End Function Sub AddAutoFile(Mpq As String, File As String, MpqPath As String) Dim cType As Integer, bNum As Long, fExt As String For bNum = 1 To Len(File) If InStr(bNum, File, ".") > 0 Then bNum = InStr(bNum, File, ".") Else Exit For End If Next bNum If bNum > 1 Then fExt = Mid(File, bNum - 1) Else fExt = File End If If LCase(fExt) = ".bik" Then cType = CInt(GetReg(AppKey + "Compression\.bik", "-2")) ElseIf LCase(fExt) = ".smk" Then cType = CInt(GetReg(AppKey + "Compression\.smk", "-2")) ElseIf LCase(fExt) = ".wav" Then cType = CInt(GetReg(AppKey + "Compression\.wav", "0")) Else cType = CInt(GetReg(AppKey + "Compression\" + fExt, "-1")) End If Select Case cType Case -2 MpqEx.Mpq.AddFile Mpq, File, MpqPath, 0 Case -1 MpqEx.Mpq.AddFile Mpq, File, MpqPath, 1 Case 0, 1, 2 MpqEx.Mpq.AddWavFile Mpq, File, MpqPath, cType Case Else MpqEx.Mpq.AddFile Mpq, File, MpqPath, 1 End Select End Sub Sub AddScriptOutput(sOutput As String) SendMessageA ScriptOut.oText.hWnd, WM_SETREDRAW, 0, ByVal 0& ScriptOut.oText = ScriptOut.oText + sOutput SendMessageA ScriptOut.oText.hWnd, WM_SETREDRAW, 1, ByVal 0& ScriptOut.oText.SelStart = Len(ScriptOut.oText) End Sub Function GetFileTitle(FileName As String) As String Dim bNum As Long If InStr(FileName, "\") > 0 Then For bNum = 1 To Len(FileName) If InStr(bNum, FileName, "\") > 0 Then bNum = InStr(bNum, FileName, "\") Else Exit For End If Next bNum End If GetFileTitle = Mid(FileName, bNum) End Function Function ListFiles(MpqName As String, ByVal FileLists As String) As String Dim NewFileLists As String, nFileLists() As String, ListName As String, cNum As Long, cNum2 As Long, cNum3 As Long, MpqList1 As String, MpqList2 As String, Path As String, ListLen As Long, OldLists() As String, UseOnlyAutoList As Boolean If GetReg(AppKey + "AutofindFileLists", 0) = 0 Then ListFiles = MpqEx.Mpq.ListFiles(MpqName, FileLists) Else UseOnlyAutoList = GetReg(AppKey + "UseOnlyAutofindLists", 1) MpqList2 = GetExtension(MpqName) MpqList1 = GetFileTitle(Left(MpqName, Len(MpqName) - Len(MpqList2))) + ".txt" MpqList2 = GetFileTitle(MpqName) + ".txt" Path = GetLongPath(App.Path) If Right(Path, 1) <> "\" Then Path = Path + "\" If UseOnlyAutoList Then ListLen = Len(FileLists) If FileLists <> "" Then FileLists = FileLists + vbCrLf + Path + App.EXEName + ".exe" + vbCrLf + MpqName Else FileLists = FileLists + vbCrLf + Path + App.EXEName + ".exe" + vbCrLf + MpqName End If ReDim nFileLists(0) As String If UseOnlyAutoList Then ReDim OldLists(0) As String For cNum = 1 To Len(FileLists) cNum2 = InStr(cNum, FileLists, vbCrLf) If cNum2 = 0 Then cNum2 = Len(FileLists) + 1 End If ListName = Mid(FileLists, cNum, cNum2 - cNum) If UseOnlyAutoList Then ReDim Preserve OldLists(UBound(OldLists) + 1) As String OldLists(UBound(OldLists)) = GetLongPath(ListName) End If For cNum3 = 1 To Len(ListName) If InStr(cNum3, ListName, "\") Then cNum3 = InStr(cNum3, ListName, "\") If FileExists(Left(ListName, cNum3) + MpqList1) Then ReDim Preserve nFileLists(UBound(nFileLists) + 1) As String nFileLists(UBound(nFileLists)) = GetLongPath(Left(ListName, cNum3) + MpqList1) End If If FileExists(Left(ListName, cNum3) + MpqList2) Then ReDim Preserve nFileLists(UBound(nFileLists) + 1) As String nFileLists(UBound(nFileLists)) = GetLongPath(Left(ListName, cNum3) + MpqList2) End If Else Exit For End If Next cNum3 If FileExists(ListName) And ListName <> Path + App.EXEName + ".exe" And ListName <> MpqName Then ReDim Preserve nFileLists(UBound(nFileLists) + 1) As String nFileLists(UBound(nFileLists)) = GetLongPath(ListName) End If cNum = cNum2 + 1 Next cNum If UseOnlyAutoList Then For cNum = 1 To UBound(nFileLists) For cNum2 = 1 To UBound(OldLists) If LCase(nFileLists(cNum)) <> LCase(OldLists(cNum2)) Then GoTo StartSearch End If Next cNum2 Next cNum UseOnlyAutoList = False End If StartSearch: For cNum = 1 To UBound(nFileLists) For cNum2 = 1 To UBound(nFileLists) If LCase(nFileLists(cNum)) = LCase(nFileLists(cNum2)) And cNum <> cNum2 Then nFileLists(cNum2) = "" End If Next cNum2 If UseOnlyAutoList Then For cNum2 = 1 To UBound(OldLists) If LCase(nFileLists(cNum)) = LCase(OldLists(cNum2)) Then nFileLists(cNum) = "" End If Next cNum2 End If If nFileLists(cNum) <> "" Then NewFileLists = NewFileLists + nFileLists(cNum) + vbCrLf End If Next cNum If Right(NewFileLists, 2) = vbCrLf Then NewFileLists = Left(NewFileLists, Len(NewFileLists) - 2) ListFiles = MpqEx.Mpq.ListFiles(MpqName, NewFileLists) End If End Function Function sListFiles(MpqName As String, hMPQ As Long, ByVal FileLists As String) As String Dim NewFileLists As String, nFileLists() As String, ListName As String, cNum As Long, cNum2 As Long, cNum3 As Long, MpqList1 As String, MpqList2 As String, Path As String, ListLen As Long, OldLists() As String, UseOnlyAutoList As Boolean If GetReg(AppKey + "AutofindFileLists", 0) = 0 Then sListFiles = MpqEx.Mpq.sListFiles(hMPQ, FileLists) Else UseOnlyAutoList = GetReg(AppKey + "UseOnlyAutofindLists", 1) MpqList2 = GetExtension(MpqName) MpqList1 = GetFileTitle(Left(MpqName, Len(MpqName) - Len(MpqList2))) + ".txt" MpqList2 = GetFileTitle(MpqName) + ".txt" Path = GetLongPath(App.Path) If Right(Path, 1) <> "\" Then Path = Path + "\" If UseOnlyAutoList Then ListLen = Len(FileLists) If FileLists <> "" Then FileLists = FileLists + vbCrLf + Path + App.EXEName + ".exe" + vbCrLf + MpqName Else FileLists = FileLists + vbCrLf + Path + App.EXEName + ".exe" + vbCrLf + MpqName End If ReDim nFileLists(0) As String If UseOnlyAutoList Then ReDim OldLists(0) As String For cNum = 1 To Len(FileLists) cNum2 = InStr(cNum, FileLists, vbCrLf) If cNum2 = 0 Then cNum2 = Len(FileLists) + 1 End If ListName = Mid(FileLists, cNum, cNum2 - cNum) If UseOnlyAutoList And cNum < ListLen Then ReDim Preserve OldLists(UBound(OldLists) + 1) As String OldLists(UBound(OldLists)) = GetLongPath(ListName) End If For cNum3 = 1 To Len(ListName) If InStr(cNum3, ListName, "\") Then cNum3 = InStr(cNum3, ListName, "\") If FileExists(Left(ListName, cNum3) + MpqList1) Then ReDim Preserve nFileLists(UBound(nFileLists) + 1) As String nFileLists(UBound(nFileLists)) = GetLongPath(Left(ListName, cNum3) + MpqList1) End If If FileExists(Left(ListName, cNum3) + MpqList2) Then ReDim Preserve nFileLists(UBound(nFileLists) + 1) As String nFileLists(UBound(nFileLists)) = GetLongPath(Left(ListName, cNum3) + MpqList2) End If Else Exit For End If Next cNum3 If FileExists(ListName) And ListName <> Path + App.EXEName + ".exe" And ListName <> MpqName Then ReDim Preserve nFileLists(UBound(nFileLists) + 1) As String nFileLists(UBound(nFileLists)) = GetLongPath(ListName) End If cNum = cNum2 + 1 Next cNum If UseOnlyAutoList Then For cNum = 1 To UBound(nFileLists) For cNum2 = 1 To UBound(OldLists) If LCase(nFileLists(cNum)) <> LCase(OldLists(cNum2)) Then GoTo StartSearch End If Next cNum2 Next cNum UseOnlyAutoList = False End If StartSearch: For cNum = 1 To UBound(nFileLists) For cNum2 = 1 To UBound(nFileLists) If LCase(nFileLists(cNum)) = LCase(nFileLists(cNum2)) And cNum <> cNum2 Then nFileLists(cNum2) = "" End If Next cNum2 If UseOnlyAutoList Then For cNum2 = 1 To UBound(OldLists) If LCase(nFileLists(cNum)) = LCase(OldLists(cNum2)) Then nFileLists(cNum) = "" Exit For End If Next cNum2 End If If nFileLists(cNum) <> "" Then NewFileLists = NewFileLists + nFileLists(cNum) + vbCrLf End If Next cNum If Right(NewFileLists, 2) = vbCrLf Then NewFileLists = Left(NewFileLists, Len(NewFileLists) - 2) sListFiles = MpqEx.Mpq.sListFiles(hMPQ, NewFileLists) End If End Function Sub mAddAutoFile(hMPQ As Long, File As String, MpqPath As String) Dim cType As Integer, bNum As Long, fExt As String For bNum = 1 To Len(File) If InStr(bNum, File, ".") > 0 Then bNum = InStr(bNum, File, ".") Else Exit For End If Next bNum If bNum > 1 Then fExt = Mid(File, bNum - 1) Else fExt = File End If If LCase(fExt) = ".bik" Then cType = CInt(GetReg(AppKey + "Compression\.bik", "-2")) ElseIf LCase(fExt) = ".smk" Then cType = CInt(GetReg(AppKey + "Compression\.smk", "-2")) ElseIf LCase(fExt) = ".wav" Then cType = CInt(GetReg(AppKey + "Compression\.wav", "0")) Else cType = CInt(GetReg(AppKey + "Compression\" + fExt, "-1")) End If Select Case cType Case -2 MpqEx.Mpq.mAddFile hMPQ, File, MpqPath, 0 Case -1 MpqEx.Mpq.mAddFile hMPQ, File, MpqPath, 1 Case 0, 1, 2 MpqEx.Mpq.mAddWavFile hMPQ, File, MpqPath, cType Case Else MpqEx.Mpq.mAddFile hMPQ, File, MpqPath, 1 End Select End Sub Function DirEx(ByVal Path As String, Filter As String, Attributes, Recurse As Boolean) As String Dim Files() As String, lNum As Long, Folders() As String If Right(Path, 1) <> "\" And Path <> "" Then Path = Path + "\" ReDim Files(0) As String Files(0) = Dir(Path + Filter, Attributes) If Files(0) <> "" Then Do ReDim Preserve Files(UBound(Files) + 1) As String Files(UBound(Files)) = Dir Loop Until Files(UBound(Files)) = "" ReDim Preserve Files(UBound(Files) - 1) As String End If For lNum = 0 To UBound(Files) If Files(lNum) <> "" Then If IsDir(Path + Files(lNum)) = False And (Attributes And vbDirectory) <> vbDirectory Then DirEx = DirEx + Path + Files(lNum) + vbCrLf ElseIf IsDir(Path + Files(lNum)) = True And (Attributes And vbDirectory) Then DirEx = DirEx + Path + Files(lNum) + vbCrLf End If End If Next lNum If Recurse = True And (InStr(Filter, "?") > 0 Or InStr(Filter, "*") > 0) Then ReDim Folders(0) As String Folders(0) = Dir(Path, vbDirectory) If Folders(0) = "." Or Folders(0) = ".." Then Folders(0) = Dir If Folders(0) = "." Or Folders(0) = ".." Then Folders(0) = Dir If Folders(0) <> "" Then Do ReDim Preserve Folders(UBound(Folders) + 1) As String Folders(UBound(Folders)) = Dir If Folders(UBound(Folders)) = "." Or Folders(UBound(Folders)) = ".." Then ReDim Preserve Folders(UBound(Folders) - 1) As String End If Loop Until Folders(UBound(Folders)) = "" ReDim Preserve Folders(UBound(Folders) - 1) As String End If For lNum = 0 To UBound(Folders) If Folders(lNum) <> "" Then If IsDir(Path + Folders(lNum)) Then DirEx = DirEx + DirEx(Path + Folders(lNum), Filter, Attributes, Recurse) End If End If Next lNum End If End Function Function GetExtension(FileName As String) As String Dim bNum As Long If InStr(FileName, ".") > 0 Then For bNum = 1 To Len(FileName) If InStr(bNum, FileName, ".") > 0 Then bNum = InStr(bNum, FileName, ".") Else Exit For End If Next bNum GetExtension = Mid(FileName, bNum - 1) Else GetExtension = "" End If End Function Function IsDir(DirPath As String) As Boolean On Error GoTo IsNotDir If GetAttr(DirPath) And vbDirectory Then IsDir = True Else IsDir = False End If Exit Function IsNotDir: IsDir = False End Function Function FileExists(FileName As String) As Boolean On Error GoTo NoFile If (GetAttr(FileName) And vbDirectory) <> vbDirectory Then FileExists = True Else FileExists = False End If Exit Function NoFile: FileExists = False End Function Function IsMPQ(MpqFile As String) As Boolean Dim fNum As Long, Text As String, bNum As Long, MpqHead As Long If FileExists(MpqFile) = False Then IsMPQ = False Exit Function End If fNum = FreeFile Open MpqFile For Binary As #fNum For bNum = 1 To LOF(fNum) Step 2 ^ 20 Text = String(2 ^ 20 + 32, Chr(0)) If LOF(fNum) - bNum + 1 >= 2 ^ 20 + 32 Then Get #fNum, bNum, Text Else Text = String(LOF(fNum) - bNum + 1, Chr(0)) Get #fNum, bNum, Text End If MpqHead = InStr(Text, "MPQ" + Chr(26)) CheckAgain: If MpqHead > 0 Then If JBytes(Text, MpqHead + 4, 4) >= 32 And JBytes(Text, MpqHead + 12, 2) = 0 Then Exit For Else MpqHead = InStr(MpqHead + 4, Text, "MPQ" + Chr(26)) GoTo CheckAgain End If End If Next bNum Close #fNum IsMPQ = True If MpqHead = 0 Then IsMPQ = False End Function Sub KillEx(ByVal Path As String, Filter As String, Attributes, Recurse As Boolean) Dim Files() As String, lNum As Long, Folders() As String If Right(Path, 1) <> "\" And Path <> "" Then Path = Path + "\" ReDim Files(0) As String Files(0) = Dir(Path + Filter, Attributes) If Files(0) <> "" Then Do ReDim Preserve Files(UBound(Files) + 1) As String Files(UBound(Files)) = Dir Loop Until Files(UBound(Files)) = "" ReDim Preserve Files(UBound(Files) - 1) As String End If For lNum = 0 To UBound(Files) If Files(lNum) <> "" Then If IsDir(Path + Files(lNum)) = False Then On Error Resume Next Kill Path + Files(lNum) On Error GoTo 0 End If End If Next lNum If Recurse = True And (InStr(Filter, "?") > 0 Or InStr(Filter, "*") > 0) Then ReDim Folders(0) As String Folders(0) = Dir(Path, vbDirectory) If Folders(0) = "." Or Folders(0) = ".." Then Folders(0) = Dir If Folders(0) = "." Or Folders(0) = ".." Then Folders(0) = Dir If Folders(0) <> "" Then Do ReDim Preserve Folders(UBound(Folders) + 1) As String Folders(UBound(Folders)) = Dir If Folders(UBound(Folders)) = "." Or Folders(UBound(Folders)) = ".." Then ReDim Preserve Folders(UBound(Folders) - 1) As String End If Loop Until Folders(UBound(Folders)) = "" ReDim Preserve Folders(UBound(Folders) - 1) As String End If For lNum = 0 To UBound(Folders) If Folders(lNum) <> "" Then If IsDir(Path + Folders(lNum)) Then KillEx Path + Folders(lNum), Filter, Attributes, Recurse On Error Resume Next RmDir Path + Folders(lNum) End If On Error GoTo 0 End If Next lNum End If End Sub Function FullPath(ByVal BasePath As String, File As String) As String If Right(BasePath, 1) <> "\" Then BasePath = BasePath + "\" If Mid(File, 2, 1) = ":" Or Left(File, 2) = "\\" Then FullPath = File ElseIf Left(File, 1) = "\" Then FullPath = Left(BasePath, 2) + File Else FullPath = BasePath + File End If End Function Function MatchesFilter(FileName As String, ByVal Filters As String) As Boolean Dim bNum As Long, Filter As String If InStr(Filters, ";") Then If Right(Filters, 1) <> ";" Then Filters = Filters + ";" For bNum = 1 To Len(Filters) Filter = Mid(Filters, bNum, InStr(bNum, Filters, ";") - bNum) If Right(Filter, 3) = "*.*" Then Filter = Left(Filter, Len(Filter) - 2) If LCase(FileName) Like LCase(Filter) Then MatchesFilter = True Exit Function End If bNum = InStr(bNum, Filters, ";") Next bNum Else If Right(Filters, 3) = "*.*" Then Filters = Left(Filters, Len(Filters) - 2) If LCase(FileName) Like LCase(Filters) Then MatchesFilter = True End If End Function Function RenameWithFilter(FileName As String, OldFilter As String, NewFilter As String) As String Dim bNum As Long, Filters() As String, NewFileName As String, bNum2 As Long, bNum3 As Long, bNum4 As Long, bNum5 As Long If Right(OldFilter, 3) = "*.*" Then OldFilter = Left(OldFilter, Len(OldFilter) - 2) If Right(NewFilter, 3) = "*.*" Then NewFilter = Left(NewFilter, Len(NewFilter) - 2) ReDim Filters(0) As String bNum4 = 1 For bNum = 1 To Len(OldFilter) Select Case Mid(OldFilter, bNum, 1) Case "*" bNum2 = InStr(bNum + 1, OldFilter, "*") bNum3 = InStr(bNum + 1, OldFilter, "?") If bNum2 = 0 And bNum3 = 0 Then bNum2 = Len(OldFilter) + 1 ElseIf (bNum3 < bNum2 Or bNum2 = 0) And bNum3 > 0 Then bNum2 = bNum3 End If bNum5 = InStr(bNum4, FileName, Mid(OldFilter, bNum + 1, bNum2 - bNum - 1), 1) If bNum = Len(OldFilter) Then bNum5 = Len(FileName) + 1 End If If bNum5 = 0 Then RenameWithFilter = FileName Exit Function End If If bNum > 1 Then If Mid(OldFilter, bNum - 1, 1) <> "*" And Mid(OldFilter, bNum - 1, 1) <> "?" Then ReDim Preserve Filters(UBound(Filters) + 1) As String End If Else ReDim Preserve Filters(UBound(Filters) + 1) As String End If Filters(UBound(Filters)) = Filters(UBound(Filters)) + Mid(FileName, bNum4, bNum5 - bNum4) bNum4 = bNum5 Case "?" bNum2 = bNum + 1 bNum5 = bNum4 + 1 If bNum > 1 Then If Mid(OldFilter, bNum - 1, 1) <> "*" And Mid(OldFilter, bNum - 1, 1) <> "?" Then ReDim Preserve Filters(UBound(Filters) + 1) As String End If Else ReDim Preserve Filters(UBound(Filters) + 1) As String End If Filters(UBound(Filters)) = Filters(UBound(Filters)) + Mid(FileName, bNum4, 1) bNum4 = bNum5 Case Else bNum4 = bNum4 + 1 End Select If bNum4 > Len(FileName) Then If (Right(OldFilter, 1) <> "*" Or bNum + 1 < Len(OldFilter)) And bNum < Len(OldFilter) Then RenameWithFilter = FileName Exit Function Else Exit For End If End If Next bNum NewFileName = NewFilter For bNum = 1 To UBound(Filters) bNum2 = InStr(bNum, NewFileName, "*") bNum3 = InStr(bNum, NewFileName, "?") If bNum2 = 0 And bNum3 = 0 Then bNum2 = Len(NewFileName) + 1 ElseIf (bNum3 < bNum2 Or bNum2 = 0) And bNum3 > 0 Then bNum2 = bNum3 End If If bNum2 > Len(NewFileName) Then RenameWithFilter = NewFileName Exit Function End If bNum4 = 0 For bNum3 = bNum2 To Len(NewFileName) Select Case Mid(NewFileName, bNum3, 1) Case "*" bNum4 = Len(Filters(bNum)) bNum3 = bNum3 + 1 Exit For Case "?" bNum4 = bNum4 + 1 Case Else Exit For End Select Next bNum3 NewFileName = Left(NewFileName, bNum2 - 1) + Left(Filters(bNum), bNum4) + Mid(NewFileName, bNum3) Next bNum Do Until InStr(NewFileName, "*") = 0 NewFileName = Left(NewFileName, InStr(NewFileName, "*") - 1) + Mid(NewFileName, InStr(NewFileName, "*") + 1) Loop Do Until InStr(NewFileName, "?") = 0 NewFileName = Left(NewFileName, InStr(NewFileName, "?") - 1) + Mid(NewFileName, InStr(NewFileName, "?") + 1) Loop RenameWithFilter = NewFileName End Function Function MpqDir(MpqFile As String, Filters As String) Dim Files As String, bNum As Long, EndLine As Long, fName As String Files = ListFiles(MpqFile, ListFile) bNum = 1 Do Until bNum > Len(Files) EndLine = InStr(bNum, Files, vbCrLf) If EndLine = 0 Then EndLine = Len(Files) + 1 fName = Mid(Files, bNum, EndLine - bNum) If MatchesFilter(fName, Filters) Then bNum = EndLine + 2 Else Files = Left(Files, bNum - 1) + Mid(Files, EndLine + 2) End If Loop MpqDir = Files End Function Sub RunScript(ScriptName As String) Dim fNum As Long, Script As String, sLine As String, Param() As String, bNum As Long, EndLine As Long, pNum As Long, EndParam As Long, MpqFile As String, OldDefaultMaxFiles As Long, cType As Integer, lNum As Long, OldPath As String, NewPath As String, Rswitch As Boolean, Files As String, fCount As Long, fEndLine As Long, fLine As String, ScriptNewFile As Boolean, CurPath As String, fLine2 As String, fLineTitle As String, hMPQ As Long If FileExists(ScriptName) = False Then ScriptOut.Show AddScriptOutput "Could not find script " + ScriptName + vbCrLf Exit Sub End If fNum = FreeFile Open ScriptName For Binary As #fNum Script = String(LOF(fNum), Chr(0)) Get #fNum, 1, Script Close #fNum OldPath = CurDir If InStr(ScriptName, "\") > 0 Then For bNum = 1 To Len(ScriptName) If InStr(bNum, ScriptName, "\") > 0 Then bNum = InStr(bNum, ScriptName, "\") NewPath = Left(ScriptName, bNum) End If Next bNum If Mid(NewPath, 2, 1) = ":" Then ChDrive Left(NewPath, 1) ChDir NewPath End If CurPath = CurDir If Right(Script, 2) <> vbCrLf Then Script = Script + vbCrLf ScriptOut.Show AddScriptOutput "Script: " + ScriptName + vbCrLf + vbCrLf OldDefaultMaxFiles = MpqEx.Mpq.DefaultMaxFiles lNum = 1 For bNum = 1 To Len(Script) EndLine = InStr(bNum, Script, vbCrLf) sLine = Mid(Script, bNum, EndLine - bNum) If Right(sLine, 1) <> " " Then sLine = sLine + " " If sLine <> "" Then AddScriptOutput "Line " + CStr(lNum) + ": " ReDim Param(0) As String For pNum = 1 To Len(sLine) If Mid(sLine, pNum, 1) = Chr(34) Then pNum = pNum + 1 EndParam = InStr(pNum, sLine, Chr(34)) Else EndParam = InStr(pNum, sLine, " ") End If If EndParam = 0 Then EndParam = Len(sLine) + 1 If pNum <> EndParam Then If Trim(Mid(sLine, pNum, EndParam - pNum)) <> "" Then ReDim Preserve Param(UBound(Param) + 1) As String Param(UBound(Param)) = Trim(Mid(sLine, pNum, EndParam - pNum)) End If End If pNum = EndParam Next pNum If UBound(Param) < 3 Then ReDim Preserve Param(3) As String Select Case LCase(Param(1)) Case "o", "open" If Param(2) <> "" Then MpqFile = Param(2) If Param(3) <> "" And FileExists(MpqFile) = False Then MpqEx.Mpq.DefaultMaxFiles = Param(3) End If If FileExists(MpqFile) Then AddScriptOutput "Opened " + MpqFile + vbCrLf Else AddScriptOutput "Created new " + MpqFile + vbCrLf End If NewPath = CurPath Else AddScriptOutput "Required parameter missing" + vbCrLf End If Case "n", "new" If Param(2) <> "" Then MpqFile = Param(2) If Param(3) <> "" Then MpqEx.Mpq.DefaultMaxFiles = Param(3) End If ScriptNewFile = True AddScriptOutput "Created new " + MpqFile + vbCrLf NewPath = CurPath Else AddScriptOutput "Required parameter missing" + vbCrLf End If Case "c", "close" If MpqFile <> "" Then If LCase(CD.FileName) = LCase(FullPath(NewPath, MpqFile)) Then MpqEx.Timer1.Enabled = True AddScriptOutput "Closed " + MpqFile + vbCrLf MpqFile = "" Else AddScriptOutput "No archive open" + vbCrLf End If Case "p", "pause" AddScriptOutput "Pause not supported" + vbCrLf Case "a", "add" If MpqFile <> "" Then cType = 0 Rswitch = False fCount = 0 Files = "" fEndLine = 0 fLine = "" For pNum = 3 To UBound(Param) If LCase(Param(pNum)) = "/wav" Then cType = 2 ElseIf LCase(Param(pNum)) = "/c" And cType < 2 Then cType = 1 ElseIf LCase(Param(pNum)) = "/auto" And cType < 1 Then cType = -1 ElseIf LCase(Param(pNum)) = "/r" Then Rswitch = True End If Next pNum If Left(Param(3), 1) = "/" Or Param(3) = "" Then If InStr(Param(2), "*") <> 0 Or InStr(Param(2), "?") <> 0 Then Param(3) = "" Else Param(3) = Param(2) End If End If If Left(Param(2), 1) <> "/" And Param(2) <> "" Then If InStr(Param(2), "\") > 0 Then For pNum = 1 To Len(Param(2)) If InStr(pNum, Param(2), "\") > 0 Then pNum = InStr(pNum, Param(2), "\") Files = Left(Param(2), pNum) End If Next pNum End If If ScriptNewFile = True Then If FileExists(FullPath(NewPath, MpqFile)) Then Kill FullPath(NewPath, MpqFile) ScriptNewFile = False End If Files = DirEx(Files, Mid(Param(2), Len(Files) + 1), 6, Rswitch) hMPQ = MpqEx.Mpq.mOpenMpq(FullPath(NewPath, MpqFile)) If hMPQ = 0 Then AddScriptOutput "Can't create archive " + MpqFile + vbCrLf GoTo CommandError End If For pNum = 1 To Len(Files) fEndLine = InStr(pNum, Files, vbCrLf) fLine = Mid(Files, pNum, fEndLine - pNum) If pNum > 1 Then AddScriptOutput "Line " + CStr(lNum) + ": " End If If cType = 0 Then AddScriptOutput "Adding " + fLine + "..." ElseIf cType = 1 Then AddScriptOutput "Adding compressed " + fLine + "..." ElseIf cType = 2 Then AddScriptOutput "Adding compressed WAV " + fLine + "..." ElseIf cType = -1 Then AddScriptOutput "Adding " + fLine + " (compression auto-select)..." End If If InStr(Param(2), "*") <> 0 Or InStr(Param(2), "?") <> 0 Then If Right(Param(3), 1) <> "\" And Param(3) <> "" Then Param(3) = Param(3) + "\" If cType = 2 Then MpqEx.Mpq.mAddWavFile hMPQ, FullPath(CurPath, fLine), Param(3) + fLine, 0 ElseIf cType = -1 Then mAddAutoFile hMPQ, FullPath(CurPath, fLine), Param(3) + fLine ElseIf cType = 1 Then MpqEx.Mpq.mAddFile hMPQ, FullPath(CurPath, fLine), Param(3) + fLine, 1 Else MpqEx.Mpq.mAddFile hMPQ, FullPath(CurPath, fLine), Param(3) + fLine, 0 End If Else If cType = 2 Then MpqEx.Mpq.mAddWavFile hMPQ, FullPath(CurPath, fLine), Param(3), 0 ElseIf cType = -1 Then mAddAutoFile hMPQ, FullPath(CurPath, fLine), Param(3) ElseIf cType = 1 Then MpqEx.Mpq.mAddFile hMPQ, FullPath(CurPath, fLine), Param(3), 1 Else MpqEx.Mpq.mAddFile hMPQ, FullPath(CurPath, fLine), Param(3), 0 End If End If AddScriptOutput " Done" + vbCrLf SendMessageA ScriptOut.oText.hWnd, WM_PAINT, 0, &O0 fCount = fCount + 1 pNum = fEndLine + 1 Next pNum MpqEx.Mpq.mCloseMpq hMPQ If fCount > 1 Then AddScriptOutput "Line " + CStr(lNum) + ": " + CStr(fCount) + " files of " + Param(2) + " added" + vbCrLf End If Else AddScriptOutput " Required parameter missing" + vbCrLf End If Else AddScriptOutput "No archive open" + vbCrLf End If Case "e", "extract" If MpqFile <> "" Then If InStr(Param(2), "*") = 0 And InStr(Param(2), "?") = 0 Then AddScriptOutput "Extracting " + Param(2) + "..." cType = 0 For pNum = 3 To UBound(Param) If LCase(Param(pNum)) = "/fp" Then cType = 1 Exit For End If Next pNum If Left(Param(3), 1) = "/" Then Param(3) = "" If Param(3) = "" Then Param(3) = "." If Left(Param(2), 1) <> "/" And Param(2) <> "" Then If InStr(Param(2), "*") <> 0 Or InStr(Param(2), "?") <> 0 Then Files = MpqDir(FullPath(NewPath, MpqFile), Param(2)) If MpqEx.Mpq.SFileOpenArchive(FullPath(NewPath, MpqFile), 0, 0, hMPQ) = 0 Then AddScriptOutput "Can't open archive " + FullPath(NewPath, MpqFile) + vbCrLf GoTo CommandError End If For pNum = 1 To Len(Files) fEndLine = InStr(pNum, Files, vbCrLf) fLine = Mid(Files, pNum, fEndLine - pNum) If pNum > 1 Then AddScriptOutput "Line " + CStr(lNum) + ": " End If AddScriptOutput "Extracting " + fLine + "..." MpqEx.Mpq.sGetFile hMPQ, fLine, FullPath(CurPath, Param(3)), cType AddScriptOutput " Done" + vbCrLf fCount = fCount + 1 pNum = fEndLine + 1 Next pNum MpqEx.Mpq.SFileCloseArchive hMPQ If fCount > 1 Then AddScriptOutput "Line " + CStr(lNum) + ": " + CStr(fCount) + " files of " + Param(2) + " extracted" + vbCrLf End If Else MpqEx.Mpq.GetFile FullPath(NewPath, MpqFile), Param(2), FullPath(CurPath, Param(3)), cType AddScriptOutput " Done" + vbCrLf End If Else AddScriptOutput " Required parameter missing" + vbCrLf End If Else AddScriptOutput "No archive open" + vbCrLf End If Case "r", "ren", "rename" If MpqFile <> "" Then If InStr(Param(2), "*") = 0 And InStr(Param(2), "?") = 0 Then AddScriptOutput "Renaming " + Param(2) + " => " + Param(3) + "..." If Param(2) <> "" And Param(3) <> "" Then If InStr(Param(2), "*") <> 0 Or InStr(Param(2), "?") <> 0 Then If InStr(Param(3), "*") <> 0 Or InStr(Param(3), "?") <> 0 Then Files = MpqDir(FullPath(NewPath, MpqFile), Param(2)) For pNum = 1 To Len(Files) fEndLine = InStr(pNum, Files, vbCrLf) fLine = Mid(Files, pNum, fEndLine - pNum) If pNum > 1 Then AddScriptOutput "Line " + CStr(lNum) + ": " End If fLine2 = RenameWithFilter(fLine, Param(2), Param(3)) AddScriptOutput "Renaming " + fLine + " => " + fLine2 + "..." If MpqEx.Mpq.FileExists(FullPath(NewPath, MpqFile), fLine2) Then MpqEx.Mpq.DelFile FullPath(NewPath, MpqFile), fLine2 MpqEx.Mpq.RenFile FullPath(NewPath, MpqFile), fLine, fLine2 Else MpqEx.Mpq.RenFile FullPath(NewPath, MpqFile), fLine, fLine2 End If AddScriptOutput " Done" + vbCrLf fCount = fCount + 1 pNum = fEndLine + 1 Next pNum If fCount > 1 Then AddScriptOutput "Line " + CStr(lNum) + ": " + CStr(fCount) + " files of " + Param(2) + " renamed" + vbCrLf End If Else AddScriptOutput "You must use wildcards with new name" + vbCrLf End If Else If MpqEx.Mpq.FileExists(FullPath(NewPath, MpqFile), Param(3)) Then MpqEx.Mpq.DelFile FullPath(NewPath, MpqFile), Param(3) MpqEx.Mpq.RenFile FullPath(NewPath, MpqFile), Param(2), Param(3) Else MpqEx.Mpq.RenFile FullPath(NewPath, MpqFile), Param(2), Param(3) End If AddScriptOutput " Done" + vbCrLf End If Else AddScriptOutput " Required parameter missing" + vbCrLf End If Else AddScriptOutput "No archive open" + vbCrLf End If Case "m", "move" If MpqFile <> "" Then For pNum = 1 To Len(Param(2)) If InStr(bNum, Param(2), "\") Then bNum = InStr(bNum, Param(2), "\") Else Exit For End If Next pNum fLineTitle = Mid(Param(2), bNum) If Right(Param(3), 1) <> "\" And Param(3) <> "" Then Param(3) = Param(3) + "\" Param(3) = Param(3) + fLineTitle If InStr(Param(2), "*") = 0 And InStr(Param(2), "?") = 0 Then AddScriptOutput "Moving " + Param(2) + " => " + Param(3) + "..." If (Left(Param(2), 1) <> "/" And Param(2) <> "") And (Left(Param(3), 1) <> "/") Then If InStr(Param(2), "*") <> 0 Or InStr(Param(2), "?") <> 0 Then Files = MpqDir(FullPath(NewPath, MpqFile), Param(2)) For pNum = 1 To Len(Files) fEndLine = InStr(pNum, Files, vbCrLf) fLine = Mid(Files, pNum, fEndLine - pNum) If pNum > 1 Then AddScriptOutput "Line " + CStr(lNum) + ": " End If fLine2 = RenameWithFilter(fLine, Param(2), Param(3)) AddScriptOutput "Moving " + fLine + " => " + fLine2 + "..." If MpqEx.Mpq.FileExists(FullPath(NewPath, MpqFile), fLine2) Then MpqEx.Mpq.DelFile FullPath(NewPath, MpqFile), fLine2 MpqEx.Mpq.RenFile FullPath(NewPath, MpqFile), fLine, fLine2 Else MpqEx.Mpq.RenFile FullPath(NewPath, MpqFile), fLine, fLine2 End If AddScriptOutput " Done" + vbCrLf fCount = fCount + 1 pNum = fEndLine + 1 Next pNum If fCount > 1 Then AddScriptOutput "Line " + CStr(lNum) + ": " + CStr(fCount) + " files of " + Param(2) + " moved" + vbCrLf End If Else If MpqEx.Mpq.FileExists(FullPath(NewPath, MpqFile), Param(3)) Then MpqEx.Mpq.DelFile FullPath(NewPath, MpqFile), Param(3) MpqEx.Mpq.RenFile FullPath(NewPath, MpqFile), Param(2), Param(3) Else MpqEx.Mpq.RenFile FullPath(NewPath, MpqFile), Param(2), Param(3) End If AddScriptOutput " Done" + vbCrLf End If Else AddScriptOutput " Required parameter missing" + vbCrLf End If Else AddScriptOutput "No archive open" + vbCrLf End If Case "d", "del", "delete" If MpqFile <> "" Then If InStr(Param(2), "*") = 0 And InStr(Param(2), "?") = 0 Then AddScriptOutput "Deleting " + Param(2) + "..." If Left(Param(2), 1) <> "/" And Param(2) <> "" Then If InStr(Param(2), "*") <> 0 Or InStr(Param(2), "?") <> 0 Then Files = MpqDir(FullPath(NewPath, MpqFile), Param(2)) For pNum = 1 To Len(Files) fEndLine = InStr(pNum, Files, vbCrLf) fLine = Mid(Files, pNum, fEndLine - pNum) If pNum > 1 Then AddScriptOutput "Line " + CStr(lNum) + ": " End If AddScriptOutput "Deleting " + fLine + "..." MpqEx.Mpq.DelFile FullPath(NewPath, MpqFile), fLine AddScriptOutput " Done" + vbCrLf fCount = fCount + 1 pNum = fEndLine + 1 Next pNum If fCount > 1 Then AddScriptOutput "Line " + CStr(lNum) + ": " + CStr(fCount) + " files of " + Param(2) + " deleted" + vbCrLf End If Else MpqEx.Mpq.DelFile FullPath(NewPath, MpqFile), Param(2) AddScriptOutput " Done" + vbCrLf End If Else AddScriptOutput " Required parameter missing" + vbCrLf End If Else AddScriptOutput "No archive open" + vbCrLf End If Case "f", "flush", "compact" If MpqFile <> "" Then AddScriptOutput "Flushing " + MpqFile + "..." MpqEx.Mpq.CompactMpq FullPath(NewPath, MpqFile) AddScriptOutput " Done" + vbCrLf Else AddScriptOutput "No archive open" + vbCrLf End If Case "l", "list" If MpqFile <> "" Then If Param(2) <> "" Then AddScriptOutput "Creating list..." If (InStr(Param(2), "*") <> 0 Or InStr(Param(2), "?") <> 0) And Param(3) <> "" Then Files = MpqDir(FullPath(NewPath, MpqFile), Param(2)) Param(2) = Param(3) Else Files = ListFiles(FullPath(NewPath, MpqFile), ListFile) End If fNum = FreeFile Open FullPath(CurPath, Param(2)) For Binary As #fNum Put #fNum, 1, Files Close #fNum AddScriptOutput " Done" + vbCrLf Else AddScriptOutput " Required parameter missing" + vbCrLf End If Else AddScriptOutput "No archive open" + vbCrLf End If Case "s", "script" AddScriptOutput "Running script " + Param(2) + "..." + vbCrLf + vbCrLf If Param(2) <> "" Then RunScript FullPath(CurPath, Param(2)) Else AddScriptOutput " Required parameter missing" + vbCrLf End If AddScriptOutput vbCrLf + "Continuing with previous script..." + vbCrLf Case "x", "exit", "quit" Unload MpqEx Case Else If Left(Param(1), 1) <> ";" Then If LCase(Param(1)) = "cd" Or LCase(Param(1)) = "chdir" Then On Error Resume Next ChDir Param(2) On Error GoTo 0 CurPath = CurDir AddScriptOutput "Current directory is " + CurPath + vbCrLf ElseIf Left(LCase(Param(1)), 3) = "cd." Or Left(LCase(Param(1)), 3) = "cd\" Then On Error Resume Next ChDir Mid(Param(1), 3) On Error GoTo 0 CurPath = CurDir AddScriptOutput "Current directory is " + CurPath + vbCrLf ElseIf Left(LCase(Param(1)), 6) = "chdir." Or Left(LCase(Param(1)), 6) = "chdir\" Then On Error Resume Next ChDir Mid(Param(1), 6) On Error GoTo 0 CurPath = CurDir AddScriptOutput "Current directory is " + CurPath + vbCrLf ElseIf Mid(Param(1), 2, 1) = ":" And (Len(Param(1)) = 2 Or Right(Param(1), 1) = "\") Then On Error Resume Next ChDrive Left(Param(1), 2) On Error GoTo 0 CurPath = CurDir AddScriptOutput "Current directory is " + CurPath + vbCrLf Else AddScriptOutput "Running command " + sLine + "..." Shell " /c " + sLine, 1 AddScriptOutput " Done" + vbCrLf End If Else AddScriptOutput "Comment " + sLine + vbCrLf End If End Select End If CommandError: lNum = lNum + 1 bNum = EndLine + 1 Next bNum MpqEx.Mpq.DefaultMaxFiles = OldDefaultMaxFiles If Mid(OldPath, 2, 1) = ":" Then ChDrive Left(OldPath, 1) ChDir OldPath End Sub Function SBytes(Num, Start As Long, Length As Long) As String Dim buffer() As Byte, NumData As Currency If Start + Length > 8 Then Length = 8 - Start On Error Resume Next NumData = Num / 10000 ReDim buffer(7) CopyMemory buffer(0), NumData, 8 On Error GoTo 0 SBytes = Mid(StrConv(buffer, vbUnicode), Start + 1, Length) End Function Function FindMpqHeader(MpqFile As String) As Long Dim fNum As Long, Text As String, bNum As Long, MpqHead As Long If FileExists(MpqFile) = False Then FindMpqHeader = -1 Exit Function End If fNum = FreeFile Open MpqFile For Binary As #fNum For bNum = 1 To LOF(fNum) Step 2 ^ 20 Text = String(2 ^ 20 + 32, Chr(0)) If LOF(fNum) - bNum + 1 >= 2 ^ 20 + 32 Then Get #fNum, bNum, Text Else Text = String(LOF(fNum) - bNum + 1, Chr(0)) Get #fNum, bNum, Text End If MpqHead = InStr(Text, "MPQ" + Chr(26)) CheckAgain: If MpqHead > 0 Then If JBytes(Text, MpqHead + 4, 4) >= 32 And JBytes(Text, MpqHead + 12, 2) = 0 Then Exit For Else MpqHead = InStr(MpqHead + 4, Text, "MPQ" + Chr(26)) GoTo CheckAgain End If End If Next bNum Close #fNum FindMpqHeader = bNum + MpqHead - 2 If MpqHead = 0 Then FindMpqHeader = -1 End Function Function JBytes(Text As String, Start As Long, Length As Long) Dim buffer() As Byte, NumData As Currency If Start + Length - 1 > Len(Text) Then Length = Len(Text) - (Start - 1) On Error Resume Next ReDim buffer(Length - 1) buffer = StrConv(Mid(Text, Start, Length), vbFromUnicode) CopyMemory NumData, buffer(0), Length On Error GoTo 0 JBytes = NumData * 10000 End Function Function GetNumMpqFiles(MpqFile As String) As Long Dim fNum As Long, Text As String, MpqHeader As Long fNum = FreeFile Text = String(4, Chr(0)) MpqHeader = FindMpqHeader(MpqFile) If MpqHeader > -1 Then Open MpqFile For Binary As #fNum Get #fNum, MpqHeader + 29, Text Close #fNum GetNumMpqFiles = JBytes(Text, 1, 4) End If End Function