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March 2006

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Updated GRP API - ShadowFlare - 18:00

Today I uploaded a new version of my GRP API. In this new version you can have it use SFmpq instead of Storm for reading from MPQ archives by calling a certain function. Also, you can use a custom drawing function so that you can get the image data for the graphics into a buffer or draw it using a different method.

Download GRPAPI

Thursday, March 23, 2006

New MPQDraft plugin - ShadowFlare - 12:47

I've made an MPQDraft plugin that allows some modded files to be loaded directly from Starcraft maps. It has the features of my playlist plugin integrated into it, so you can also use those in your maps.

Download it now!

I have some customized maps available that you can try it out with. The first is one Blizzard's maps they included with Starcraft, the others are my own creation (from long ago). I uploaded two versions, one for playing with others, and one that you can try it out in single-player mode. Some of the modificatons in these maps are kind of silly, but I just put them there to test it out. ^_^'

(8)The Hunters.scm
(4)Space Battle.scx
(1)Space Battle.scx

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

ShadowFlare Installer update - ShadowFlare - 01:41

I updated ShadowFlare Installer to download the list of programs from the new site address, so it works again now. Download and run the new version to get the updated version for this site.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Site move complete - ShadowFlare - 02:00

I have finished moving the site over to the new address. As far as I know, there should be no broken links at all. My installer which downloads and installs programs may become temporarily nonfunctional as the old address gets phased out if I don't update the program with the new address before then. I'll try to get it updated before that happens.