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Scm Toolkit v1.66

A utility to change the size of a StarCraft map and rearrange the tiles to be in the right order for that size. It also edits players colors, forces players go into, player types for all 12 players, map tileset, unit positions, types, and owners, and player races for all 12 players. It can open/save scm/scx files if you have mpq2k or lmpq and has a map protector. It also has a string table editor that has text color support.

Required Files (48.4 KB) Last updated 8:23 AM November 8, 2002 - by ShadowFlare - Total downloads: 8690
This version uses Mo'Paq 2000 for modifying scm/scx files. (59.6 KB) Last updated 8:40 PM February 16, 2002 - by ShadowFlare - Total downloads: 7626
This version uses my Mpq Control for modifying scm/scx files. It doesn't have the last two updates, which adds a file association option and startup folder options, but it works just as well as the other version.
Visual Basic 4 runtime files (866 KB) - Microsoft
Runtime Files Pack 1 (716 KB)

Recommended utility for use with Scm Toolkit
IsomEdit - by ShadowFlare
With this you can fix the isometrics section when resizing maps. This will make it so the terrain can be placed properly in the Campaign Editor. (I would include this in Scm Toolkit, but I don't have the code for it available to me at the moment)

Required files for opening scm/scx files with mpq2k version
If you want a simple setup, download It has all the files you need to run Mo'PaQ 2000 v2.0 and has a setup program to install the files Mo'PaQ 2000 needs.
Mo'PaQ 2000 v2.0 and required files (232 KB) - by Quantum (some modifications by ShadowFlare)

The rest of these files are the original files for Mo'PaQ 2000.
Mo'PaQ 2000 v2.0 (166 KB) - by Quantum (18.1 KB) - modified lmpqapi.dll for Mo'Paq 2000 v2.0 that works with the modified StarEdit.exe below
Mo'PaQ 2000 v1.1 (43.5 KB) - by Quantum
StarEdit.exe for mpq editors (557 KB) - This allows you to run Mo'Paq 2000 and the Campaign Editor at the same time.
Storm.dll (124 KB) - Blizzard
Mo'PaQ 2000 Page

Required files for opening scm/scx files with Mpq Control version
Mpq Control - by ShadowFlare