Staredit Cwads
Staredit Enhancement.cwd
Units for all races can be placed for a player.
The following units can now be placed on the map.
The group the unit is in is to the right of the name
Neutral Units
Disruption Web - Spells
Dark Swarm - Spells
Floor Gun Trap - Traps
Floor Missile Trap - Traps
Floor Hatch - Traps
Left/Right Substructure Door - Doors
Left/Right Door - Doors
Left/Right Wall Flame Trap - Traps
Left/Right Wall Missile Trap - Traps
All Races
Mineral Chunks that units carry - Powerups
Vespean Gas containers - Powerups
Scanner Sweep - Special
Nuclear Missile - Special
Arcturus Mengsk - Terran Heroes
Gerard Dugalle - Terran Heroes
Zerg Larva - Zerg Ground Units
Zerg Egg - Special
Guardian Cocoon - Special
Zerg Lurker Egg - Special
Aldaris - Protoss Heroes
Raszagal - Protoss Heroes
Staredit Enhancement for placement on all terrain.cwd
Everything from the above patches
Buildings can be placed on any terrain.
Buildings are placed the way units are.
Staredit Enhancement Neutral Units*.cwd
Everything in file without Neutral Units in name
All Neutral Units are placable for players.
Staredit Enhancement Scripts and Labels.cwd
All ai scripts can be used.
Units are grouped by race and type.
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