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February 2003

Tuesday, February 25, 2003

New features and bug-fixes for WinMPQ - ShadowFlare - 13:03

These are the updates:

- WinMPQ was not closing the archive handle properly after adding files that have been modified after being opened from WinMPQ. This was causing WinMPQ to be unable to open the archive to add files, extract files, etc. This bug has been fixed in this version.
- Fixed a bug that caused WinMPQ to be unable to update a file in the archive that has been modified.
- Mpq Embedder is now included with WinMPQ. Access it from the "Tools" menu.
- All options that were available by right-clicking a file are now also available from the "Mpq" menu.
- The "Tools" menu is now also shown on the right-click context menu shown when right-clicking on a file.
- The default compression type can be changed now, and the compression level for deflate compression can set.
- Added a menu command to add a file to the listing if it is not listed and you know the name of the file.
- Added a menu command to change the locale ID of an existing file.