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1 /*****************************************************************************/
2 /* wave.cpp                               Copyright (c) Ladislav Zezula 2003 */
3 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4 /* This module contains decompression methods used by Storm.dll to decompress*/
5 /* WAVe files. Thanks to Tom Amigo for releasing his sources.                */
6 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
7 /*   Date    Ver   Who  Comment                                              */
8 /* --------  ----  ---  -------                                              */
9 /* 11.03.03  1.00  Lad  Splitted from Pkware.cpp                             */
10 /* 20.05.03  2.00  Lad  Added compression                                    */
11 /*****************************************************************************/
13 #include "wave.h"
15 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
16 // Structures
18 union TByteAndWordPtr
19 {
20     unsigned short * pw;
21     unsigned char  * pb;
22 };
24 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
25 // Tables necessary dor decompression
27 static unsigned long Table1503F120[] =
28 {
29     0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000000, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000004, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000002, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000006,
30     0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000001, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000005, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000003, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000007,
31     0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000001, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000005, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000003, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000007,  
32     0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000002, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000004, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000006, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000008  
33 };
35 static unsigned long Table1503F1A0[] =
36 {
37     0x00000007, 0x00000008, 0x00000009, 0x0000000A, 0x0000000B, 0x0000000C, 0x0000000D, 0x0000000E,
38     0x00000010, 0x00000011, 0x00000013, 0x00000015, 0x00000017, 0x00000019, 0x0000001C, 0x0000001F,
39     0x00000022, 0x00000025, 0x00000029, 0x0000002D, 0x00000032, 0x00000037, 0x0000003C, 0x00000042,
40     0x00000049, 0x00000050, 0x00000058, 0x00000061, 0x0000006B, 0x00000076, 0x00000082, 0x0000008F,
41     0x0000009D, 0x000000AD, 0x000000BE, 0x000000D1, 0x000000E6, 0x000000FD, 0x00000117, 0x00000133,
42     0x00000151, 0x00000173, 0x00000198, 0x000001C1, 0x000001EE, 0x00000220, 0x00000256, 0x00000292,
43     0x000002D4, 0x0000031C, 0x0000036C, 0x000003C3, 0x00000424, 0x0000048E, 0x00000502, 0x00000583,
44     0x00000610, 0x000006AB, 0x00000756, 0x00000812, 0x000008E0, 0x000009C3, 0x00000ABD, 0x00000BD0,
45     0x00000CFF, 0x00000E4C, 0x00000FBA, 0x0000114C, 0x00001307, 0x000014EE, 0x00001706, 0x00001954,
46     0x00001BDC, 0x00001EA5, 0x000021B6, 0x00002515, 0x000028CA, 0x00002CDF, 0x0000315B, 0x0000364B,
47     0x00003BB9, 0x000041B2, 0x00004844, 0x00004F7E, 0x00005771, 0x0000602F, 0x000069CE, 0x00007462,
48     0x00007FFF
49 };
51 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
52 // CompressWave
54 int CompressWave(unsigned char * pbOutBuffer, int dwOutLength, short * pwInBuffer, int dwInLength, int nChannels, int nCmpLevel)
55 {
56     TByteAndWordPtr out;                // Output buffer
57     long     nArray3[2];                // EBP-48
58     long     nArray2[2];                // EBP-40
59     long     nArray1[2];                // EBP-38
60     long     nWords;                    // EBP-30
61     unsigned EBP2C;                     // EBP-2C
62     long     nRemains = dwOutLength;    // EBP-28 : Number of bytes remaining
63     long     nCmpType2;                 // EBP-24
64     unsigned dwStopBit;                 // EBP-20
65     long     EBP1C;                     // EBP-1C
66     unsigned dwBitBuff;                 // EBP-18
67 //  char   * pbOutPos = pbOutBuffer;    // EBP-14 : Saved pointer to the output buffer
68     long     nLength;                   // EBP-10 :
69     long     nIndex;                    // EBP-0C : 
70 //  short  * pwOutPos = pwInBuffer;     // EBP-08 : Current output pointer
71                                         // EBP-04 :
72     unsigned short wCmp;                // EBP-02 : 
73     unsigned dwBit;                     // EBP+08 : A Bit
74     long    nTableValue;
75     long    nOneWord;
76     long    nValue;
78     if(dwInLength < 2)
79         return 2;
81     // ebx = nChannels;
82     wCmp = (unsigned char)(nCmpLevel - 1);
83     out.pb = pbOutBuffer;
84     *out.pb++ = 0;
85     *out.pb++ = (unsigned char)wCmp;
87     if((out.pb - pbOutBuffer + nChannels * 2) > nRemains)
88         return out.pb - pbOutBuffer + nChannels * 2;
90     nArray1[0] = nArray1[1] = 0x2C;
92     if(nChannels > 0)
93     {
94         for(int i = 0; i < nChannels; i++)
95         {
96             nOneWord = *pwInBuffer++;
97             * = (unsigned short)nOneWord;
98             nArray2[i] = nOneWord;
99         }
100     }
102     nLength = dwInLength;
103     if(nLength < 0)      // mov eax, dwInLength; cdq; sub eax, edx;
104         nLength++;
105     nLength   = (nLength / 2) - (out.pb - pbOutBuffer);
106     nLength   = (nLength < 0) ? 0 : nLength;
107     nCmpType2 = nChannels;
109     nIndex    = nChannels - 1;         // edi
110     nWords    = dwInLength / 2;       // eax
111     if(nWords <= nChannels)
112         return out.pb - pbOutBuffer;
114     // ebx - nChannels
115     // ecx - pwOutPos
116     do // 1500F02D
117     {
118         if((out.pb - pbOutBuffer + 2) > nRemains)
119             return out.pb - pbOutBuffer + 2;
121         if(nChannels == 2)
122             nIndex = (nIndex == 0) ? 1 : 0;
124         nOneWord = *pwInBuffer++;   // ecx - nOneWord
125         // esi - nArray2[nIndex]
126         nValue   = nOneWord - nArray2[nIndex];
127         if(nValue < 0)
128             nValue = ~nValue + 1;   // eax
130         unsigned ebx = (nOneWord >= nArray2[nIndex]) ? 1 : 0;
131         // esi - nArray1[nIndex]
132         // edx - Table1503F1A0[nArray1[nIndex]]
133         nArray3[nIndex] = nOneWord;
135         // edi - Table1503F1A0[nArray1[nIndex]] >> nCmpLevel
136         ebx = (ebx - 1) & 0x40;
137         dwStopBit = nCmpLevel;
139         // edi - nIndex;
140         nTableValue = Table1503F1A0[nArray1[nIndex]];
141         if(nValue < (nTableValue >> nCmpLevel))
142         {
143             if(nArray1[nIndex] != 0)
144                 nArray1[nIndex]--;
145             *out.pb++ = 0x80;
146         }
147         else
148         {
149             while(nValue > nTableValue * 2)
150             { // 1500F0C0
151                 if(nArray1[nIndex] >= 0x58 || nLength == 0)
152                     break;
154                 nArray1[nIndex] += 8;
155                 if(nArray1[nIndex] > 0x58)
156                     nArray1[nIndex] = 0x58;
158                 nTableValue = Table1503F1A0[nArray1[nIndex]];
159                 *out.pb++ = 0x81;
160                 nLength--;
161             }
163             dwBitBuff = 0;
164             EBP2C     = nTableValue >> wCmp;
165             unsigned esi = 1 << (dwStopBit - 2);
166             EBP1C     = 0;
167             dwBit     = 1;
168             dwStopBit = 0x20;
170             if(esi <= 0x20)
171                 dwStopBit = esi;
172             for(;;)
173             {
174 //              esi = EBP1C + nTableValue;
175                 if((EBP1C + nTableValue) <= nValue)
176                 {
177                     EBP1C += nTableValue;
178                     dwBitBuff |= dwBit;
179                 }
180                 if(dwBit == dwStopBit)
181                     break;
183                 nTableValue >>= 1;
184                 dwBit       <<= 1;
185             }
187             nValue = nArray2[nIndex];
188             if(ebx != 0)
189             {
190                 nValue -= (EBP1C + EBP2C);
191                 if(nValue < (int)0xFFFF8000)
192                     nValue = (int)0xFFFF8000;
193             }
194             else
195             {
196                 nValue += (EBP1C + EBP2C);
197                 if(nValue > 0x00007FFF)
198                     nValue = 0x00007FFF;
199             }
201             nArray2[nIndex]  = nValue;
202             *out.pb++ = (unsigned char)(dwBitBuff | ebx);
203             nTableValue      = Table1503F120[dwBitBuff & 0x1F];
204             nArray1[nIndex] += nTableValue; 
205             if(nArray1[nIndex] < 0)
206                 nArray1[nIndex] = 0;
207             else if(nArray1[nIndex] > 0x58)
208                 nArray1[nIndex] = 0x58;
209         }
210         // 1500F1D8
211     }
212     while(++nCmpType2 < nWords);
214     return out.pb - pbOutBuffer;
217 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
218 // DecompressWave
220 // 1500F230
221 int DecompressWave(unsigned char * pbOutBuffer, int dwOutLength, unsigned char * pbInBuffer, int dwInLength, int nChannels)
223     TByteAndWordPtr out;
224     TByteAndWordPtr in;
225     unsigned char * pbInEnd = pbInBuffer + dwInLength;  // End on input buffer
226     unsigned long index;
227     long nArray1[2];
228     long nArray2[2];
230     out.pb     = pbOutBuffer;
231     in.pb      = pbInBuffer;
232     nArray1[0] = 0x2C;
233     nArray1[1] = 0x2C;
236     // 15007AD7
237     if(nChannels > 0)
238     {
239         for(int count = 0; count < nChannels; count++)
240         {
241             long temp;
243             temp = *(short *);
244             nArray2[count] = temp;
246             if(dwOutLength < 2)
247                 return out.pb - pbOutBuffer;
249             *    = (unsigned short)temp;
250             dwOutLength -= 2;
251         }
252     }
254     index = nChannels - 1;
255     while(in.pb < pbInEnd)
256     {
257         unsigned char oneByte = *in.pb++;
259         if(nChannels == 2)
260             index = (index == 0) ? 1 : 0;
262         // Get one byte from input buffer
263         // 15007B25
264         if(oneByte & 0x80)
265         {
266             // 15007B32
267             switch(oneByte & 0x7F)
268             {
269                 case 0:     // 15007B8E
270                     if(nArray1[index] != 0)
271                         nArray1[index]--;
273                     if(dwOutLength < 2)
274                         break;
276                     * = (unsigned short)nArray2[index];
277                     dwOutLength -= 2;
278                     continue;
280                 case 1:     // 15007B72
281                     nArray1[index] += 8;   // EBX also
282                     if(nArray1[index] > 0x58)
283                         nArray1[index] = 0x58;
284                     if(nChannels == 2)
285                         index = (index == 0) ? 1 : 0;
286                     continue;
288                 case 2:
289                     continue;
291                 default:
292                     nArray1[index] -= 8;
293                     if(nArray1[index] < 0)
294                         nArray1[index] = 0;
296                     if(nChannels != 2)
297                         continue;
299                     index = (index == 0) ? 1 : 0;
300                     continue;
301             }
302         }
303         else
304         {
305             unsigned long temp1 = Table1503F1A0[nArray1[index]]; // EDI
306             unsigned long temp2 = temp1 >> pbInBuffer[1];      // ESI
307             long  temp3 = nArray2[index];                // ECX
309             if(oneByte & 0x01)          // EBX = oneByte
310                 temp2 += (temp1 >> 0);
312             if(oneByte & 0x02)
313                 temp2 += (temp1 >> 1);
315             if(oneByte & 0x04)
316                 temp2 += (temp1 >> 2);
318             if(oneByte & 0x08)
319                 temp2 += (temp1 >> 3);
321             if(oneByte & 0x10)
322                 temp2 += (temp1 >> 4);
324             if(oneByte & 0x20)
325                 temp2 += (temp1 >> 5);
327             if(oneByte & 0x40)
328             {
329                 temp3 -= temp2;
330                 if(temp3 <= (long)0xFFFF8000)
331                     temp3 = (long)0xFFFF8000;
332             }
333             else
334             {
335                 temp3 += temp2;
336                 if(temp3 >= 0x7FFF)
337                     temp3 = 0x7FFF;
338             }
339             nArray2[index] = temp3;
340             if(dwOutLength < 2)
341                 break;
343             temp2 = nArray1[index];
344             oneByte &= 0x1F;
346             * = (unsigned short)temp3;
347             dwOutLength -= 2;
349             temp2 += Table1503F120[oneByte];
350             nArray1[index] = temp2;
352             if(nArray1[index] < 0)
353                 nArray1[index] = 0;
354             else if(nArray1[index] > 0x58)
355                 nArray1[index] = 0x58;
356         }
357     }
358     return (out.pb - pbOutBuffer);