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September 2000

Thursday, September 14, 2000

Scm Toolkit update - ShadowFlare - 10:23

I added a map protector. It can either permanently protect a map or do an encrypted protect with a password which may to used to later unprotect the map. I also made Scm Toolkit automatically recognize when mpq2k is done extracting/importing the map, so there will no longer be the prompt asking when mpq2k is done.


Thursday, September 07, 2000

Spawning Brood War - ShadowFlare - 15:49

Here is step-by-step how to spawn Brood War.

Spawning StarCraft: Brood War

Tuesday, September 05, 2000

Maybe some updates... soon - ShadowFlare - 15:40

I haven't made any updates to any programs for a while because I didn't have access to my code. The reason: a hard drive with a broken power connection. I finally got the drive to work (It's amazing what you can do with a few pieces of spare wire... ;) and have all my code again.

I have a soon-to-be-complete version of ScmToolkit that has a map protector with it. The map protector isn't just like any other; it also has an option to just encrypt the data instead of removing it. A password could then be used to unprotect the map. This would be useful for if you lost your original map.